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Reviews for "Sonic RPG eps 7"

OMG This series is sooooo cool :D

Episode 7 was awesome:D I played all the other episodes too, but this one was the best one yet:D

Though I did better like eggman in episode 6, (he was a tough nut to crack:D) but he was pretty easy after you found his weak point (so i Can't see why people complain over him. Afterall the stronger they are, the more joy you get when you defeat him)

But episode 7 rocks, I loved their moves (Nights and Shadows combi was toooooooo cool:D)

But great job, and I just can't wait till episode 8:D

MidNightMaren responds:

Ya, Eggman is not that hard. And I like them like that, pretty though and challenging :D. Anyway, not everyone think like me. loool!


Just plain awesome, I played the others that you did, but I still cannot defeat Eggman on part six. Graphics are a little cool-(no pun, but who are the clowns/Jesters?) sound was good, you had a variety in there as well as interactivity and violence. Good job

Tip to those that are just having trouble beating Realo/a (beat the boss on the second try-I resetted :P)
Don't use special abilities for Shadow, use him to heal, he does weak damage where as the Blue Jester does "slightly" more damage, but if both members have high health, have both do normal attacks (and when shadow has no more magic, use the other guy's heal magic). if lucky, the Blue Jester will go into overdrive at least 3 times

MidNightMaren responds:

Blue Jester?? LOL XD
Thanks for the review!

awesome man

i've seen this in frontpage today and leaded me to play all the previous in order (i actually didn't beated reala the first time, but after playing all the previous i did beated all the figths :P) it was pretty nice, at the beggining it was kinda bad and with many mistakes but it got really good, i think i was a waste to make all that programation of battle and new techniques just for 1 fight (as with tails, you made all his skills and such only for 2 figths) i think you should try to make a real rpg sometime soon =P it was cool, i hope the next one finish the story, i'll be waiting

MidNightMaren responds:

Well, thanks for viewing all in order. I know the preview episodes have lots of grammar mistakes, but I cant fix them cos I dont have the files :S.
Thanks a lot!^^

Pretty damned good.

Concluded? Ouch... That kind've blows, but, hey, it still kicked ass. Well, if this is really concluded, perhaps you could make an actual Sonic RPG? Like something comparable to Linion RPG, but not exactly. Keep the exp, lvling up, (Of 'course that's needed for any RPG), and make all kinds of extra things, maybe. Quests, epic boss-battles, random encounters with enemies in the field/forest/desert/ruins, if there are any, of 'course. I'm just saying you could make something TRULY kick-fricken-ass. Well, my rants done. Kudos for another awesome Sonic RPG episode.

MidNightMaren responds:

Well, I actually wanted to do a full version... But in flash thats impossible. Well, its not impossible, but I dont have the AS needed skills...

Woot Vote 5

All my votes are belong to you... lol Nice job.. But you should give passwards for people who canot beat it.. give it to them on the flash or somewhere like in the lil body before you click picture to play movie. Then if people Canot beat it then the pass will let em PASS it..

lol. But STILL!!! Great stuff... i saw all past episodes when they came out... NICE JOB

MidNightMaren responds:

Well, I will stop with the passwords... Thanks a lot ;)