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Reviews for "- The Nail -"

Overall, this is good...

This was very interesting, this is kind of like "You're A Fucking Moron" condeming flashes to their deserved fates...

My only suggestion would be make more reasons out when you're doing the flash, add a couple voices in, and you've got yourself some good stuff...

Otherwise, try making this into a series...It would be refreshing for some people to actually have some common sense of the world of funny nowadays...Have the flash reaper just be there on the sidelines, waiting for someone to screw up bigtime...>.>;;;


And in about 2 weeks, the creator of Foamy makes yet ANOTHER Foamy flash.

I don't understand what you mean "hasn't been redrawn in 5 years" when the guys making a flash episode every month or so.
Still, interesting idea.
Hope to see more of the FLASH REAPER.

The song was creepy, too.

rtil responds:

he uses the same symbols and assets. pay attention.

Poor Foamy

There are people who have voted 0 on this just becvause they hate all things Foamy without even watching it, it's a damn shame they can't even be assed to realize this is an anti-foamy movie.


I personally thought it was different in an okay way.

rtil's back with a brand new edition

For some reason I missed this one when it debuted in February sometime, but I make a habit to at least catch all of th top 5 flashes in a month. I didn't realize it was an rtil work at first, but I shouldn't have been surprised, as it bears recognition to Flash Comedy Extravaganza and has a similar graphics style.
The graphics are not a high point of this flash, nor have I ever warmed up to rtil's minimalist style, but that isn't really the point of the flash. Like all of rtil's flashes which are attacks on an aspect of the culture of newgrounds (FCE, Say Something, etc), - The Nail - lives and dies by the poigniency and accuracy of the message; the graphics may help convey that message but are not necessary for the flash to be quality. So although the music was fitting and the lack of dialouge was a bit annoying, these things to not factor into my ultimate score that much.
As far as the message goes, well, I agree with what rtil's trying to say, but I feel that he doesn't convey all of it in - The Nail-. The overcommercialization of the reb3l cartoon is parodied, as is the overuse of Foamy to the point of video game characters or Retarded Animal Babies. However, more specific indictments would have been nice. the explination at the end says that Germaine fills the role of a sex symbol now and this is bad; well, work that into the flash. You are only covering the surface of the attacks on Foamy, there are many other problems with the aged series that can be pointed out. I thought the message fell a bit short of completion and therefore the flash, while earning praise for calling out a failed character, is mediocre as a critique of Neurotically Yours.

it was good

but while i engoyed it.... i still enjoy foamy's rants a tousand times more =/ maybe he has run out of idea's but he'll always be legend becuase the original idea's and concept are by popular demand amazing and will not die for a very long time, so no use in making this really gj nice animations and music use it to make a better surreal animation