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Reviews for "Apples and Tangerines"

Amusing and worth watching

I have to say this is one of the best abstract flashes I've seen here. Your style is awesome and entertaining, as well as your ideas and how you merged them to create this. What stood out the most for me is how it wasn't boring at all. I could watch the whole thing many times without getting bored and that's why I'm impressed because this is very difficult to achieve. Also, the music gave more life to the entire movie. Very well chosen and fitting for the movie. This is one of the few submissions that I extremely like both music and animtion. This deserves more attention to it.

Anyways excellent flash and I hope people see it and understand it.

Well deserved

I'm very glad you finally arrived on the frontpage.
You deserved to be featured all the way through. Maybe that would've motivated you along the way to produce more, but I hope this will.

Well you know I always admired your stuff, and really back then you've inspired me so hard and well you still do. I'm glad you're still animating, it's always great to see any new bits from ya' or going through the old stuff as well.

I hope we'll both keep animating from time to time and one day start something grand finally.. would be great.

Anyways. Beautiful ect.

You know the drill


That was a real pleasure to watch.


That was amazing. Every thing about that was simply astonashing. Thank you so much for making this it is by far one of the best things on newgrounds and i hope you continue the good work. The music was amazing and siger ros is one of my faverite bands.

I love this.

The most imaginative animation, I've ever seen...

Wow. Beautiful, imaginative... amazing. 3 words I can use which barely describe the feeling, the vibe and effort that must of gone into this wonderful animation.

It was hypnotic, spooky and elluring into a world beyond ours. A real expression of your mind, the way you think and you brought that out to such a beautiful extent with this animation.

It was an explosion of wonderful images, frame by frame animations... a dreamscape feeling, An amazing experience, and so much more than what I can expect from any animation this website.

The visuals were simple, but the way you showed them... the way you portrayed them through angles, the texture... and the placement gave the simple things a whole new meaning, and interesting meaning... something to think on.

The animation, was brilliant, Frame by frame pratically the whole way through? Jesus, the amount of effort to be put into this along side the creative thought must of been staggering. It was very fluent, very fast paced... which was intentional I believe. I nice change from artist's who try to drag out scene's to lengthen their animations. You really put the effort into this, and it showed to a maximum extent.

The song. Well, it felt like the song was made for this animation, which is a compliment. The animation and song linked, matched up so well together that I could swear you made it just for this. The animation looks as if it was placed for each beat, it was all planned and what to be seen on peopels screens when each occured. Amazing stuff.

The general thought, images and time spent into making this animation has paid off. Through amazing collaberations of sound, imagery and animation... it really shined as a creative peice, and in all the years I've spent watching animations on this site this has to be the most creative.

It was just beautiful to watch and I'd like to thank you for giving me the pleasure of watching this, giving me the pleasure of spending 5 or so minutes of my life enjoying an animation to a whole new level.

Amazing work, Your style is unique to a whole new level.