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Reviews for "B7 - I Bleed Fire"


This is great man. I've been listening to your stuff since I hit newgrounds and I gotta say your damn good at what you do. I love this song man. All the instruments come together like a massacreing masterpiece. This is what heavy metal at it's core is. Keep on making it happen man!

Burn7 responds:

Thanks dude, it's awesome that you keep coming back for more. It's always awesome to check my reviews and see your name there.

It's too bad all of my Metal songs are getting 0 bombed before they ever get a chance to reach either "Best of the Week" or "Top 30" where they can get maximum exposure. But I think it's also weirdly flattering that someone recognizes my skill enough to know that if my music is left unzeroed, then I very well could rise to the top like a phoenix from the ashes.

Burn it all!

This is pretty sweet man. I heard your other stuff yesterday and I decided to check out some of other works. All I can say is, you did a pretty damn good job. If this isn't the sound quality you are looking for, then I am looking forward to when it does!

Burn7 responds:

Well thanks, dude. This is pretty close to what I have in mind. Unfortunately I keep trying to compare myself to professional studio mixes and recordings, which is just dumb since I have probably some of the cheapest equipment available. But I guess as long as I have a goal to strive for, right?

Thanks again!


I love the way you do things! :D All of your audio works are amazing! You improve all the time! :)

and I hope you don't mind me asking but what programs and equipment do you use? I would really like to try making music. :)

Burn7 responds:

Thanks a ton dude! Always cool to see a name I recognize coming back and checking out some of my other songs.

Sure, here's an old post with all of my equipment and software:

http://burn7.newgrounds.com/news/post /489914
(Delete the space)

Good luck, it's not easy. It took me 7 or so years of writing and mixing and whatnot to get to where I am now, but I know some people who just pick it up instantly.

Excellent not many artists like you.

I introduced all my freinds to goremaster and you should be proud of your work man. Keep on trucking and pumping out this kinda stuff.

Feel the burn!

It's hardcore all the way through and sounds awesome, especially the parts where the drums and guitar pick up speed. Another sick track, and one of my favorites :D.