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Reviews for "VD Chainsaw Massacre"


^^Good Points^^
Looks like you spent a lot of time on this game. The level designs were pretty cool, they were kind of large and took some strategy to complete. The graphics were very good. Great animations and very well animated violence. The storyline was pretty random but still funny at the same time.

^^Needs Improving^^
I really didn't enjoy this game all that much. I felt like I had to really take time to kill whatever was in my way. Like 20 punches to kill those stupid bears. In a platform game, I honestly would rather be able to just breeze through a level rather than having some long drawn out battle.

The-Mercenary responds:

The reason I made the fighting like that because I personally thought it was fun to beat the crap out of them, sorry that you didn't have fun with it.

Good job, but quite a few bugs

Well, I can tell you put quite a bit of effort into it and it was pretty good, but please, next time, try to clean up as many bugs as you can before you submit a game, especially when they're so blatant. Here's a list of the bugs I've found that you can hopefully clean up when you get the chance.
-Enemies going through walls, and sometimes through the ground. Occurred while I would be hitting an enemy, and then he would just back up straight through a wall.
-Sometimes, my character would hover a little over the ground, or he would be a little beneath.
-Often times I would hit an enemy, when I'm clearly not quite close enough. On a related note, sometimes I would try to jump away to avoid getting hit, but then as an enemy started punching, he would hit me, while I was in mid-air, clearly above his blows.
-When chainsawing something, you can just click the chainsaw button, and then immediately jump away, and the action will still take place. Like killing a teddy bear, then jumping out of harms way before getting hit by another.
-Once I neared the end of the second hideout level, I just killed a teddy, then all of the sudden, my character disappeared. I was too far in to feel like starting everything over, so I still haven't actually finished the game. Hopefully I will sometime later though.

Here are a few suggestions too:
-After getting knocked down, maybe you could put in a cool-down period for the character in which he cannot get harmed. Quite a bit, I would get knocked down, and then when I got back up, I wouldn't have a chance to do a thing before I started getting hit again, and then knocked back down.
-Just having those two actions of punching and kicking to do all the fighting got a little boring. You should have allowed for combos, or some special moves, beside the chainsaw finisher. That would mix up the fighting enough to keep it plenty interesting.
-When it got to the hideout level, having to fight 3 cyborg teddies right after another just got tedious and unnecessary, especially when it took so long to kill them. Either cut down on enemy's hit points, or just down string together 3 fights like that, wasn't cool.

All in all, it was a good effort though, I enjoyed it. Just get those bugs fixed on up, and that will be a vast improvement.

The-Mercenary responds:

I'll try to fix those things, but the only bug I have no idea how to fix is the one where the character dissappears, I have no idea how its happenening, I looked at the code billions of times and I didnt see anything that could cause something like that. I forgot to write in my comments that you could click pause and restart the level when that happens.
Also, there are combos, 3 punches 2 kicks (unless you meant more)

Not quite finished.

Sorry, I find it hard to believe you spent 'forever' on this game. Unless forever means a couple weeks, it was rushed. Yeah, the voicework was truly awful, but you acknowledged that so I'll forgive it, and the music was actually pretty good. The controls seemed great, and the graphics were nice and smooth. Besides the inane plot, my only complaint was the fact that there were about three-hundred bugs! From my character disappearing, to clipping issues where he fell through walls, to some even nastier ones I don't have room to put down here, it was a nightmare! Too bad, 'cause this might have been halfway decent. If you fix it, let me know and I'll check it out again, but if you're just going to leave it like this...sorry, I can't recommend it.

The-Mercenary responds:

yea I only spent a few weeks, but it was a lot of time (long days). I thought I fixed the enemies clipping through walls bug, can you specify where exactly they happened (cause its easy to fix this). The character dissapearing on is one thats been giving me nightmares, cause it randomly happens whenever and I have no idea how it could happen, if it happened at the same spot every time I might be able to figure out why, but it just randomly happens at different spots so I
m having a really hard time figuring that one out, for now you can just click pause and restart the level.

hi cool game

omg wtf is this