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Reviews for "zombie hord3!!!"

Superb! Better than the first 2!

Zombie Horde 3 rocks! It's like land of the dead meets Resident Evil!


You delivered the next instalment of the series in a fashion I couldnt of predicted. When I thought this would be just another improvement of a defensish zombie slaying game, I was sorely mistaken. You've taken what I love about all the great zombie games out there and worked it into your piece.

Now for constructive criticism, despite the fact that I loved this game.

-The town felt far too static, everywhere felt the same. It would be more interesting to have identifiable landmarks. This way you could introduce new parts of the town that have their own style and atmosphere.

-The objectives were too boring. Going from here to there isn't exciting enough. I know on top of the original game engine, its not easy to incorporate something flashy, but objectives like reach a destination in an certain amount of time or create baricades or whatever.

-Defending each location is an interesting challenge, but it would be cool if the places you defended actually had a reason to be defended, like people in distress or whatever. Then, upon finishing, you could get something else on top of the money if need be.

-Something that isnt neccesary but would be an excellent bonus would be some big freaky creature that hunts you constantly, that requires fending off every time he rears his ugly head. Something kinda like Nemesis from Resident Evil. This would of course happen at night.

-More reason to be out at night! I loved being out at night, it brought something more to the game that I could have never expected! You need objectives that require you to be specifically out after the sun sets.

Honestly, this game, in my opinion, has some of the greatest potential on all of the site. If you take ideas from everybody (that you think would be nicely added to your game) then you can create something worthy of legend.

I look forward to the next instalment of the series. Please, I implore you to continue making more.

the guy under me wrote this so i put it up so that you could use his ideas....

i also would like to add that in addition to requiring to defend areas... and people in distress would be some missions like:

1.defending a place so a helicopter could drop/ pick up some special equipment.

2.i thikn this one came up also... help police like a squad of 10 - 20 police and you fending off a horde of zombies.

3. a military convoy picking up important peoples

4. trains.. might be like R.S. story but hye whats a town without trains

5. boats

6. you can drive helicopters :D (idk maybe too uhmm idk)

and ima stop here since this review is too big lawl


This game comes second in my top 50 favorite games.Of course it will be difficult to pass Combat Instinct ^^. Nice job man but a few suggestions For ZH4, Make the car a little bit easier to control, add a pause feature, more levels, just a few more different zombies, and maybe some more music. Do some of those things and you may have the best NG game ever! Nice work and keep it up!


This game is so fun to play, too bad the graphics n sounds... SUCK!
Loved killing zombies...

painisenjoyment responds:


they're not amazing, but i don't think my gfx suck.

Very nice!

Good Graphics, nice bullethole-effects, fast gameplay ...

One thing to lament about is yet the handling of the car in later sections ... Sure, just use the handbreak for fast change of direction, but the timing maybe a little bit tricky ;)

Fine idea with the weapon-upgrades, personally, i love the righthand assaultrifle combined with the lefthand bazooka: nothing which can stand in your way!

For those who don't know how to make some money: be sure to get either the first pistol-upgrade or a shotgun, then move/drive to the policestation, after that the hospital, then the garage .. there just go out that narrow sideway, wait there and release hell to any creature that comes along ... about an hour doings so there should be enough money for one maxed-out assaultrifle and the basic bazooka... eventually max-armor .. after that go for the airport ...