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Reviews for "Not Gonna Get Us - tATu"


Oh my god this is amazing!! How did you come up with this? This is fantastic! The best t.A.T.u games i have ever played!!!
Hope u will make more!!

t.A.T.u rock my world!!

Jon-86 responds:

"I couldn't find a decent t.A.T.u. themed game so I made my own." Thats how I came up with it ;-) Also the video kicks ass. Even if it is 7 years old or something now. Its still a cool vid.

More will come in years to follow. Because my real-life is just that busy (*_*)=b

Nice game you have here.

Nice visual as a loading bar here. It's nice when flash creators get away from the generic Newgrounds loading bar or the other generic loading bars that many use.

Menu - You had a nice background for the main menu. Nice audio selection too, but perhaps you could have picked something that was just a tad bit longer so it wasn't so repetitive, but at the same time making it not make the file size too big.

Credits -Again, nice use of visuals here instead of having the plain old credits going up the screen. Perhaps you could have had several different movie scenes along the sides next to the scrolling credits to add some more visuals. Again, decent selection for audio here, but it ends before the credits stop. Anyway, you are welcome. I did read all of the credits.

Options - Another decent selection of audio, but again perhaps just a bit too repetitive. I understand it's hard to find the happy medium between size and repetitive small file. I like that you could change it in between Easy, Normal, and Hard. This allows people to make it challenging if they so choose so. Also, it's a good idea that you had a selection of music so if someone had a different music preference here. I really like the choice to turn the snow and smoke effect on and off for people who may have slower computers. Good thinking.

Bad Guys and Bonuses - Great. Now I know what I'm in for and you did a good job explaining the point system and the point behind the game.

Instructions and Help - Again, a nice explanation of the controls and the controls are pretty simple, which is something that is very important for a game such as this.

Playing the game - I played the first selection first. Good job on giving some background before and some simple animations to add to the flash. I then tried the second game choice you had there. I didn't enjoy this game play as much because the screen was freezing up on me even though I selected the snow and smoke off. I also got a weird glitch when playing this one where soldiers would end up being stuck on the back and front of the screen and they would just stay there never going away or me never catching up. It did this sometimes with mines and barrels too.

Overall a pretty fun game to play and since you only had one flash I decided to give it a real long review. :D Ha, it was fun playing it and if you every make a new flash let me know and I will review it.


Very good game :D

Where can i get that song? :P

Jon-86 responds:

Hey Larsine,

You have a few options :
- Go to www.tatu.ru and listen to it on the Jukebox
- Make a post on the forums their, someone somewhere in the world will upload it for you.
- P2P Kazaa/Limewire/Napster etc
- Buy the CD (if you can find it)

A also recommend the video. All the OLDER videos are great.

Quite good.

I really like the game you created out of the 'Not Gonna Get Us' video.
It was funny, and a little addictive.
I will be looking forward to some more t.A.T.u-related games or toons.
[Hopefully you will decide to make more.]

Solid Effort

this was a very well executed game.Very well done.Four out of Five.