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Reviews for "Pandemic"

Fantastic original game.

A fantastic game and good fun to play. Requires a good strategy apart from one bit.
Western Europe, some reviews say its immpossible, they lie.
Some says its easy with the strategy. I've found the strategy of lowering visibility help but wether the virus crosses the border or not is down to pot luck. Cos u can take the visibility down to 2 and get full infectivity within 44 days but it still might not cross the border and at day 76 they close it. So That is the one annoying part of the game the fact that u just have to wait and hope it crosses the border to complete the game.
But other than that well done and a great submission.

Genuinely chilling

Warning, hints will appear at the end.

Yet still fun. The music really suited the atmosphere of the game and the graphics, although simplistic, were effective. After all, if you had a million stick figures falling over in each country, or your virus evolved and became 'hairy' (as another reviewer suggested), it would detract from the starkness the game offered.

An original concept that makes you think.

Now to hints, some people have said western Europe is impossible to infect, this is because the virus is to visible and deadly, dont buy symptoms such as weakness or vomiting, by all the transmission upgrade (such as human, resistance and survivability), and, the important bit, UNCHECK symtpoms, leave only coughin, or nothing. This way people wont notice the virus, they will let in in (including western Europe) then you can make it lethal again however you want. Doing this I managed it in 82 days.


I love this game, but you could have done more with graphics. Maybe a picture of what my virus looks like. Also a meter for how many humans there are vs. how many are dead would be nice.

It took me a long time to figure this out but i finally killed everyone in 80 days.


This game offers a realy unique gameplay and posebilities.
I've never saw a game like this, actualy playing for the germs and viruses instead of saving the world.

The grapics where verry well done, but at some other side they where also somewhat absent, but you've done a nice job.

The style was excellent, unique and innovative, i just loved making my own kind of virus and wiping out all of mankind.
What added even more to the enjoyment was the headlines, verry well done.

The sound was OK, though absent where soundeffects, the background music was just nice and muteable!

There wasn't mutch voilence present though, the voilence there was was displayed trough text, but that doesn't matter at all.

The interactivity was high, though could be better.
You could devolp your own virus, but that was it... though it also allows for stratiegies its still just a bit lacking total customization of your virus, or random events.

Humor.. well i atleast didn't found any.


Well, the game offered an unique experience, though it missed just some things that could make it a total awesome game.

For example visuals, how about you could *see* if you clicked a country how many people where in it, for example a little city filled with people, less people will apear if more are dead, or infected people apear, people fall dead etc.

The sound was also a little abscent, there was background music but there weren't any nice sound effects or such.

And last not least, interactivity.
Yes, you could do alot but it was just somewhat lacking.
For example customizing your virus on visuals, or different objectives, strategies for spreading or random events.


- Graphics 7
They where nice, but there wasn't mutch to be viewed at all.

- Style 9
Verry unique and innovative, keep it up!

- Sound 6
There was a nice background tune but other sound was abscent.

- Violence 6
There wasn't any voilence to be vieuwed, only in words.
But due to the fact that you had to kill half of mankind, i grant this a 6.

- Interactivity 7
On one side, there was alot of posebilities, but for it being perfect it just lacked something.

- Humor 0
Didn't notice any humor.

Overal - 8

Idea's / Suggestions

- Ways to spread your virus.
Drop vials of your virus in the water company, drop some vails on the street, let loose an iffected animal in the city or how about a missle with a viral warhead?

- Visual Customization
How about being able to customize your virus visualy?
For example if your virus is resistant to heat, it grows little hairs.
But if your virus is airborne, it is for example a different shape than usualy.. and on.

- Objectives
Having to do a thing, or preventing a thing etc.
While this game is simple objectives would give an unique challange.
For example infecting a country, but preventing another country from being infected.

- Random Events
Events that randomly happen, for example when your virus get spread due to a circuimstance, when they find a cure for your virus so you have to mutate it or when another virus arises wich kills your virus, or when someone passes a border illigaly and spreads the virus in that country, etc.

- Anti-Viruses
Other germs and medical equipment wich you have to protect your virus from.
For example a germ wich destroys your virus, while if you mutate it it would be resisant or it could actualy counter it.

- More visuals.
How about cutscenes, of random events.
Or if you could click a country and see a little city with people in it, lots of dead and you'll see a quiet city, while if all alive its crowded, or when many infected you see lots of green-faces.

Final Words

Well for what you've done now, you've done a great job.
The game itself is verry unique and verry enjoyable.
I dearly hope you make a sequal to this with more posebilties, and then hopefully atleast one of the things i mentioned.

Thank you for making this game, and wish you the best luck in future projects.


And the bad thing is that something like this could happen for real according to the climatic changes...

Anyways, this game is a brilliant, original idea and very well made: the evolution menu was cool and that tragic music suited perfectly for the game.

Actually, a must-play.

I'm gonna show the tactics my virus Cheese killed mankind with, so if you want to try on your own DON'T read the following hint:

-Countries will run for cover when the virus starts making a lot of victims: try dropping to 0 the letalithy and visibility,by taking off ALL the symptoms, and rising the infectivity, starting by taking off "only humans". By doing this, you'll infect the world and nobody will do anything. When the whole world will be infected go in the evolution menu and...hasta luego, mankind!!