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Reviews for "That's My Fulp 10"

Kinda funny

I thought this was pretty funny, although you failed to be funny at the end.

Nothing great about this one

Its just a put-together of your other ones, with the same old kind of humour.
I suppose if I hadn't seen all the others I would be laughing, but really, it felt like you just wanted to add to the number of flash in the series. It had no new characters except the the exploding celebrity.

However, the pics are still a bit funny and the voices are always good and clear.
Best Wishes,

didnt like it

i didnt like this seemed kinda stupid to me but anyway...i noticed u need work on the mouth when there talking they move a bit fast for the words and somtimes the mouth shut while hes talking but other then that it was alright

A review for the whole series....

I just finished watching the whole series and I wanna say some things about it...

the animation is bad, (mostly pictures taken from google with ok-ish drawn characters who can't do anything but move around the screen and open their mouths) this might be done on purpose for the comic effect but it's mostly just bad for the series....

the music is good but the voice acting is kinda bad, especially in earlier episodes....the characters have no emotion in their voices and mostly talk in monotones....akbar was a good example of a voice with emotion....

the concept of the whole show is good though, but what has ruined it is the lack of real humor...having a googled picture of a celebrity say a random voice clip then having them explode just ruins the entire show for me...

on a positive note though, the episodes have been getting better (funnier at least) since episode 6....(I found episodes 1-5 just plain bad in every way)....I hated this episode though (episode 10) because it was just a re-hash of episodes 1 and 2....

well anyway they're just my thoughts on the series....you keep making these flashes....

(by the way how long do you spend on an episode on average?)

MaddFlash2 responds:

Thank you for taking time and watching these, all of them. I really appreciate the time you took to watch them and then come back and write a review.

The GFX: The reason we chose to use the real backgrounds were because they were really from the NG office. That is what the office looks like. BTW, a little info if you didn't know, that is Wades actually facial hair.

The voice acting, I love it. Most people say the Wade voice is great.

The ending is done because was managed to get a bunch of A-List celebs who signed a deal with MaddFlash to appear in our cartoons. Sorry if you don't like.

Some of the flashes took a couple of days to make and others we made in twenty four hours or less.

Overall the series must be good, I mean not just in my mind, because It got its own page on NG.

Like I said before, Thanks for the review and for watching all of them.

PS: We are improving the graphis for next episodes, so I want you to check them out. Please review again. I love honest reviewers like yourself.



Not really funny at all, indecent graphics, and just plain boredom. Me no likey.