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Reviews for "Enter the Woods ~P~"

Great work as usual!

Hello there!

I've run into you in the forum before, and I've been a fan of yours for a while. I happened across this by accident, very much enjoyed it, and thought I'd drop you a review.

First of all, this piece is extremely effective. I made sure to actually play the game (on Kongregate) before I finished writing this review, and this music fits the game very well. This work loops nicely, fits the forest part of the game, and is fun to listen to. It also works as both "wandering" music and battle music, which is hard to pull off.

I don't really think there is anything wrong with the song, but I feel obligated to give some contructive criticism nonetheless. First, the simplicity of this song gives it a certain charm that helps set the game apart from similar games, but a little bit of textural diversity couldn't really hurt. You have the same chord progression throughout, which is fine, as this is easier when you need to loop. You also have very similar inversions in your background string/pad section though, and this gets a little old after a while. If you through some different voicing on the strings every other phrase, I think it would be easier to listen to for an extended period of time.

The marcato cello section in the background adds a nice flavor to the mix, but is just a little late coming in. This happens a lot with sampled marcato or staccato strings; it is just difficult to line things up perfectly. You can remedy this by moving the strings earlier by a fraction of a beat.

I suppose I could nitpick more when it comes to usage of instruments and samples, form and mix, but I really don't think it is necessary. You have your own unique style, and it works for the game. It is kind of like the way David Orr manages to put bells and brushed snares in everything, but still gets away with it.

Anyway, you rock, this piece rocks, the game rocks.

5/5 10/10

Keep it up.

Phyrnna responds:

Why thank you for the review! You piqued my attention after I listened to one of your pieces as well, and I must say that you have quite excellent pieces too.

Firstly, I must thank you for being open minded to listen to the song in its context before judging. ^__^ Indeed I was trying to figure out how to compose a piece that would work as a field theme and a battle theme. I believe that I could've done a better job, especially with the transition (or lack thereof) between motifs.

The simplicity of the song is actually something that I don't like about the song myself. And you nailed it right on the head. The song is a repetition of the same chord progression over and over. In the process of composing it however, I did have a second progression that I wanted to fit into it. However I realized that fitting it in (and developing that motif), would stretch the song out far too much. This would present a problem in filesize for the game designer, so I kept it short.

Thanks for the critique on the marcato strings. I'll look into changing the timing of the instruments with my next piece that I use them.

I do have a style that's my own, or at least people tell me. I try to grab inspiration from other artists, you included, but it all ends up being what comes up in my head.

Thank you for the detailed review! ^__^

~Phyrnna ^_^ <3

::EDIT:: I realized which marcato beat you were talking about... the one near the beginning. That was intentionally off beat! xDD

Its the bomb of insrumentals

It id and always will be the best instrumental ever made

Much better!

I like this once much better than Hero's March. Musically this is much more interesting. I just wish the quality of instruments were a bit better, but we do what we can don't we?

Forest level definitely my favourite because of this song. 2011 was when I discover EBF. That's a loooong time ago holy crap :O

This track is just as beautiful as I remember it.