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Reviews for "The taliban call"

Hey tocooljim

Why don't you go fuck your self??
P.S. i am newgrounds_lover but i coulnd get in my account because at that account i forgot my password, and the e-mail address where NW should send it to is blocked.
So sorry that i can't update my movie.
But don't worrie, i am making an new flash game!

You forgot Miss Cleo!!!!

Even without Video, you pulled off a good film. I was laughing my ass off. Just add a call from Miss Cleo and your good. Great job.

funny stuff my man

hey good movie, but i gots some shit to say about are little terrorist out there named xito, who the fuck is this guy i mean not only is he gay as fuck hes talken a bunch of bull shit thinkin its funny when its not, fucken christ dude lay off the terrorist shit cause we all know that your not one cause all the terrorist are to fuckin stupid to know how to use a computer, i mean damn you should try doin some other little shit cause this bull shit aint pullen it man, so fuck off and stop sayin shit cause its gettin old hearin you say gay ass crap, hey and if your such the fuckin terrorist then do somthin cause we all know your to much of a god damn pussy you fuckin dick licker.

Very funny

but the end was stupid because no one has brown blood you dipshit! but i loved it


LOL, send in the telemarketers

BTW, Taliban + HBO + Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition??? :D

Skintothemax (Cinemax) would have been better