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Reviews for "Axe"

The "Lone Ranger" theme and "A Clockwork Orange"

Great job with the music. Both the "Lone Ranger" and "Clockwork" use the William Tell Overture (the song in the movie, for those who don't know), but really WHAT message are you trying to say? Spread the truth??? The truth of what, that you are neither a graphic genious nor a terrific speller? Or that the WWF has somehow bleakended your outlook on life? (By the way, greasy, middle-aged men aren't the ONLY ones who watch, as you can see by the millions of television viewers AND the thousands who see it live every week -- ALL ages, races, regions of the country, etc.) Despite your trashing a company owned by one of the smartest businessmen EVER (Vince McMahon), I respect your use of violence to display your true feelings of admiration for Newgrounds, the medium through which your "art" may be displayed.

Ha ha ha ha ha

Very good. Could have been more longer though. more killing and spreading the great gosple of the Prophet Tom Fulp. Anyway, good stuff. I loved the Lone Ranger theme.

Just one thing though, cops wouldn't come for you, nor will you get busted for something that is impossible. Like If I went to Downtown LA and fired a Uzi, of course. It's a explainable man made weapon. If somehow, I could command the clouds to fire lightning at people at will with Voodoo, I think the courts will have no case. As we all know magic doesn't exist. Or if I made Psyco skeletons apear from the ground and kill everyone. A bomb of course. So your character is fine. Now if he was axe murduring then the cop has a case.

But still very funny shit.

Interesting, but could have been better

I liked the whole Lone ranger sound track. But I figured it could have been more to it. Like the little moments it would stop and narrate.


I dont care if the sounds are out of sync, this is classic NG

this is the work of a genius

this is brilliant. i loved the gore