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Reviews for "777 - Part 1"


The animation was smooth but....... YOU COMPLETELY RIPPED IT OFF FROM SONIC AND SHADOW OF COLOSSUS! Other then its was an ok job.

not especially breathtaking...

(please dont mind any grammatical errors I made, English is not my native language)

Now I dont know how much experience you have with actual Flash animation, but it seems you have still quite some ways to go. To explain the low ratings:

Graphics: I personally tend to dislike any gradients used in flash, as they seem out of place mixed in with vectors. Furthermore, there is no variation in enemy hordes, apart from the flying robot and the big collosus like robot at the end. Animation (no offense) is horrible. You really ought to get some books on animation in general if you want to continue with this kind of thing, as the animation in this movie is very bland. Take for example the last part where she "climbs" up the robot, which is nothing but a static image moving up. I also agree with the previous review, there is too much repetition in the animation sequences you use and motion tweening complete characters is not exactly a good technique to make them credible.

Style: well, not paticularly breathtaking either. I dont dislike the whole style, but it doesnt offer anything new or tantalizing either. It just didnt have that wow feel.

Sound: Pretty good, it fitted well with this movie. The collosus soundtrack during the last battle was also pretty nice, even though completely different in style compared to the first track. If I were you, I would have taken something more like this first track.

Violence: Well, there was some... Nothing great though...

Interactivity/Humor: well, ignore those. I had to fill in something...

Overall: While it wasnt extremely bad, it still needs quite some improvement. You would do good to try something else besides motion tweening everything, but instead try animating it by hand for example. Well, hope it helps...

Not very original...

As other people have mentioned before me, this has strong references to the videogame world.

As I see it, you actually borowed everthing in the storyline from popular games, and that really draws your score down with me.

Just to list them, I counted scenes from these games:

-Most RPG's
-Shadow of the Colossus

And the hole "One single super soldier, infiltrats enemy base to get powerfull weapon"-thingy, doesn't exactly add points in originality...

By the way: Why did she kill the giant at the end?? Her mission was to get the sword, and when she got it, she attacked a helpless giant minding its own business. It was so sad :'(

But to say something nice at the end... the animation and sound was fine ^_^

you can do better

looks too easy for the girl, she never get hit by something so the wole things is a little bit boring in the end.
the last boss just go around doing some footing... he really like footing because even when the girl cut a few things in his leg, he still want to continue.
next time make it difficult and the story will be more interesting :)


yeah it was pretty cool actually, quite different. i was just bothered by the bits where the character was fighting the two robot guys and well it was kinda repetitive the way she slammed the first robot's own fist into itself or where she kept stabbing the giant robot in the head. That was a very Shadow of the Colossus moment at that bit btw. Oh yeah and the protagonist being able to run into a hail of automatic fire and kill off a squad of troops without the slightest effort is kinda overrated.