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Reviews for "Flames of Fury"

Good, but could be better

This is a very cool game. Nice music, nice graphics, decent gameplay.

The biggest problem, as a lot of people have mentioned already, is the Endurance meter. It adds nothing to the gameplay, for one thing. The need to return to the nest to create ammunition (er, "fire"), coupled with the limit on how much hydrogen and sulfur the dragon can carry back with it, effectively serves the same purpose as an Endurance meter: the player will be returning to the nest frequently whether that meter is there or not.

Assuming that there is some kind of compelling reason for having it, though, you should definitely make it deplete much more slowly. It's truly annoying to suddenly start flying around like a granny dragon in the middle of gathering elements, or returning to the nest.

What would make this more interesting? Make it a little more like SimDragon! Since you're the last surviving dragon, I don't see how any amount of military success on your part is going to save the race. No reproduction = no survival. You need to raise the stakes a little: make it so your spouse dragon is at home guarding the whelps. This could also play into some interesting gameplay elements: the more battles you win, the more time you buy, the more your whelps grow up and start having whelps of their own. You'd have stats on the growing population of your nest, and you'd see the effects on your colony if you start letting too many attack helicopters make it through. There could be rewards for having more whelps: maybe they help defend the nest. Maybe they'll harvest nearby elements for you. Something like this would spice things up a great deal.

Good luck!

Its a very addictive game

The game has a good concept, and i must say i did enjoy playing it, we need more games like this in the portal, thanks for making it! the onli thing i could find wrong with it is that it was hard after a wile, as the copters come thick and fast and the dragon hasta keep flyin to and fro to get fireballs, mayb im jus crap at the game,lol, but nyways, it was a good game, so keep it up :)

it's fairly good, but...

i think it neew a map of some sort. of course the map won't show the whole field, but a limited range from your base.
it's very VERY annoying when your on the other side of the map and suddenly "enemy attacking base" . next thing u know, you're no where near your base and one more hit and it's over


Its good but the fact that you have to constantly refill.


i give it 8/10 because the movements were a little choppy, and there wasnt that much of an intro/tutorial. overall, i like the idea, but you should give tips and what not instead of just waiting for people to pick up on things. you should make a prequal to this and include a storyline. maybe somethign like a wave of industrialization nearly wiping out the dragon population or something. . . and you should have another system for leveling up as well as physical attributes, you should have a seperate system for upgrading attacks.