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Reviews for "Socialist European Union"


Having watched propaganda movies from 1930s Russia I couldnt help but see the similarity in theme and style. Good old Uncle Joe Stalin, I can understand your desire to return to such heady times of socialist brotherhood and advancement for the proletariat. Despite the century it ravaged, and the 10s of millions its killed, its comforting to know people still believe in such dead ideologies as communism. Interesting movie.

Kenzu responds:

Communism is an ideal. It is a paradise. If you don't want to live in a paradise then something must be wrong with you.

And why are you mentioning Stalin? What does he have in common with communism? I'd like to know.

its ok

i admire your attempt to make this movie and its very good, but u had one major mistake. the song is from the napolionic wars, which were very imperialistic. a better song would have been the Internationale. all the same, its good though it could have been better.

Kenzu responds:

I used the Japanese version of the Internationale in my flash called: "MayDay International"

:) not bad but...

sadly socialism has never worked and will never will. The states defiantly has problems, There is nothing wrong with Canada though, pay attention to Canada!

The world is all freaked out by the world socialism and i understand why. look at history.

You see my theory is to have a capitalist society where the richer you are the higher taxes you have. the more children you have the less taxes you have. I love taxes it balances it out a society where everyone in the social economy can succeed no matter what there situation.

I have always thought socialism seems ideal. Yet only in theory. The dam fact is is there is enough money in the world so that no one should be hungry, all humans were created equal and have the same rights as everyone else. I have never been to any other country in the world THE USA where you will see insanely rich people walking by the most poorest people on the side of the street like its nothing.

The key to everything is balance have freedom in an economy where everyone succeeds or no one does. Im not happy to see people because of there situation and lack of chance of education perish. everyone deserves a chance and freedom but not at the cost of taking some one elses.

I hate to say it...

...and however the idea of the EU turning socialist scares me, this video was fairly good! It had a strange hypnotizing feel to it. Also I admire the fact you actually decided to portray all the significant cities (the fact you made such a lovely picture of Bratislava is worth a huge thumb up on its own!).

Basically lovely movie, perhaps a bit too long as the spell it had faded durring the last scenes due it lenght and lacked some more action though thats excusable given its nature. Overal despite I don't agree with the views, I agree with the way you express them, its obvious its an ideological movie and it expresses what it wants to nicely and openly. The practical remarks and personal oppinions to it need not be repeated.

Kenzu responds:

I know the flash is a bit lengthy, but that's only because I didn't want to interrupt Tchaikovsky's wonderful music.

It's great that you liked Bratislava in my movie.

ok I guess

A capitalist's nightmare.