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Reviews for "BotArena2"

Good, but heavily flawed

I found myself wanting more variety in items in order to make the battles not a random slugfest. The guns all seemed identical except for damage difference.

It seems to crash often and permanently for many people (check reviews) so don't get too involved. I lost my game at about level 6.

? Why is this on the front page?

How can a game with so many errors on it that you can barely play be on the front page? If your going to share a game with people why not make it playable? Once you get an error it starts all over, even your save data, Which is why it's not playable...no wait its playable but pointless since you'll eventally end up haveing to start over but this error really isn't nothing compared to why this is on the front page with an error that makes it unplayable. You think you would get the hint after pretty much every review talks about the same problem but non the less the only problem is that this is on the front page with such issue's.

Very good start

Here are way I'd look to improve it.

1. Add another component to the bots. This compoent would be called AI chip. Here is what you could pick for AI chips, Aggressive, defensive and patrol. Aggressive would lock onto a bot and continiously attack that bot until it dies. The drawback is given it goes against a bot with a long range weapon that is defensive. The next one is defensive.. bot will only attack when in a big group and constantly runs away. The drawback to this bot is it leaves the other bots who are also running away prone to being outnumbered. The next bot is patrol this bot just runs around aimlessly attacking whatever bot it sees in front of it but not focusing on 1 single bot. This bot has no drawbacks but nor does it have any real direction. Also have it have levels or aggresisve, defensive and patrol, Level 1 though 5. Each level would become smarter in what it was suppose to do

2. Each upgrade level on the guns you should be able to pick between Range/Weak, Mid-range/average and short-ranged/powerful. This choose of weapons + AI chip would allow people to customize their bot actions without acturally moving it.

3. Armor classes - You need to also have 3 armor classes, Weak, medium and heavy. The heavy armor would be able to take alot of damage but it's gun and tank itself would move slowly. The advantages would be it able to take alot of damage.. but the downside is smaller weaker armored bots could run around in circles making it hard for the bot to fire @ it . The medium armor bots would have decent speed and the gun would move decently fast and the weaker armor would take the most damage but would move the fastest able to run around tanks.

The end result of this would be a completely customized AI for the bots you control. And would allow for a harder game to be made due to the fact that you can customize each bot to handle different situations.

Also the save feature needs to be fixed too.. it sucked getting to level 7 and not able to save and having an .ocx error that causes it to shut down =(

Good idea, still needs work though...

Love the game idea and the game play, but the crashes make the game unplayable after around the 3rd map... plays fine up to that, but after the 3rd map is always seems to crash... then like many have said already, you have to start over again. Save function would be great if it worked, but until then it is hard to judge it properly.

But still a cool game, there are improvements and additional add-ons to the bots and such you can add in #3, which would just make it that much better, but don't know what all you have in this one, so hard to tell what could be added.

Excelent game, but some concerns

Absolutly excelent game, so far as I have been able to play up to.

The save function does not, unfortunatly, work for some reason. This is problematic because not only must I try to complete the game in one go, I also have the problem of an error occuring at some point every time I play the game. Therefore, every time I try t oplay the game it will usually go wrong, leaving me the only option of starting a whole new career when I restart. Sort these problems out though, and it would be a truly great game.

Also, a slightly improved AI would be greatly appreciated. (How about being able to purchase circuit boards which increase the AI of the bots?)