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Reviews for "BotArena2"

awesome game

very good game my friend. i didnt experience any glitching like everyones been saying. heres a few things i think you should change.

1.) you should make it so once you beat the game you dont have to worry about weight classes. that way the player can have the option of building as many badass tanks as he wants to. that would be hella fun.

2.) this is what happened to me and most likely a lot of players. i would get to the next weight class and fight the heavier tanks, but because my tanks were shittier, i would lose the battle. this was a pain in the ass because you would have to go back to the lower weight classes to make enough money to fight in the higher weight classes. but the thing is you cant go back to the lower weight classes because youve already built your some of your tanks heavier for the higher weight classes. so then u gotta sell all ur good stuff for shitty, lighter things.

thats all i can think of right now. good game though i look forward to playin ur other games.

good but glitchy

it glitches with Firefox too. Crashed my firefox twice after half way through the game. Save progress didn't work after crashing. Overall a great game though, but the browser crashing makes you play the same lvls over and over sometimes.

Its fine

One glicth sometimes my bot would just sit there and not shoot at all it had full health and just got owned without shooting anything


dude lowerthe power of the laser gun i can get pass the level be4 the last level


One of the cleverest games I've played on NG for a long time. Loved the fact I had to actually use strategy, ie the weights, whether I should use 2 Uber robots or 3 decent ones etc. Couldn't complete it but thats cos I suck at math and worked out my funds and weights wrong and didn't save. oh well, loved it anyway.