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Reviews for "The Halloween Hunt"

First thing when I started playing.....

It reminded me of Final fantasy, the battle screen, the first monster was from FFVII or at least I think it was.

Reminds me of FF, Nice Job ;D


finally a hallween rpg at last oand nice to see your back

Well were do I start?

I couldnt get out of the grave yard 4 starters, probably just me but couldnt figure how to get out. was a bit on the boring side. over all didnt think it was all that good, but there again does better than I could do. I can give the ideas but cant do the programming lol.

good but

you seriously need to sort that weapon thing out because there isnt any way to equip anythin im stuck with the same weapon and how come i lost 1 fight and i ve gone down an entire level its gonna take mew an hour to get it back!

Good, but yea..

I liked the game play very nice but I find things with it that strike me a bit wrong with the game.

I don't know if it's a problem with my browser or the general Macintosh system but as it was sad before the menu buttons have no labeling. So when I thought I was saving I really wasn't, which ended up pissing me off cuz I wanted to quit for a little while then pick up where I left off. Secondly, the damn total random thing about the coins you earn and stuff.. that got really annoying. I mean I'm going through the game and lets say I'm trying to get overdrive and I need 5000 coins but I only have like 50 some. I fight one monster get 348 coins, the next 3 that I face I only get 24 from. That should be done away with and changed.

Thirdly, it was very easy to go through most of the game. You could go through the whole game as level 1 (I think) and not have any restrictions and I don't know that I could change my weapon not sure since um..... the menu didn't work right. Lastly, you kept the theme of the game together. I commend you on that, and yea I agree "father" looked kinda dull, and he could do way too much damage. I mean you could have lets say 700 some health left and he does one move and you end up with like -14 or something.. what's up with that? when I used weaker attacks so did he then I went to end it quick with the overdrive attack he'd do a big move and game over. Yes, I followed the tips.. they helped kinda. Also attacks of everything.. redudent, very redudent. The teddy bear and ghost, slash attacks. Blobs wobble over and streach to hurt you. The wasp fly over move a little and do an attack. Another thing combo, haunted, max, limit, and overdrive attacks all the same animation just different ammounts of dammage (same goes with revive). also concentrate and defend were same. All this needs is a little tweeking and it could easily be one of the tops games around here. I decided to be nice though and give you an E for effort since there are no visible bugs in the game, and everything ran smoothly even on my slow computer.

So, to cap it off just work on the game a little bit (put in some different animations for attacks and stuff) and get rid of the random won coin thing (do it based on your stats like you do the attacks). Also, please please please work on the menu screen and make it compatible with all browsers (may take you a while), or Mac and PC alike (I know it's flash but a little java code in it to make the Mac system work with it). It got me hooked though I wanted to see the end but I wanted to test the save thing. purpously died. Went to main menu and all the slots were empty.. so I was pissed cuz all my (two maybe three) hours straight of playing this game, due mostly to the damn random coin thing, were lost. Um though I haven't tested this try going through the whole game as level one you might not get as many coins but trust me staying a lower level will make the game much much easier (I was level three had all the stuff unlocked and was beating the second and third dragons in like two hits).

P.S. To those people who can't figure out how to move form place to place walk to the arch things on the screen. Those are doorways and gates! (They get clearer the more you play the game).