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Reviews for "The Halloween Hunt"

Now that's a goddamn good game!

It's truly a masterpiece, this game. Addictive and enjoyable. I commend your efforts in its creation. Posh words aside...

Graphics: Excellent. What else is there to say?

Style: Got it in bucketloads, and the concept is brilliant too. Although I must ask; why dragons? It's definitely not a bad thing, just seems a little odd in the context...

Sound: The music and sounds you chose are just about perfect for the parts of the game they're in.

Violence: I agree with the last review. Enough, no gore.

Interactivity: Well it had to be a 10 didn't it?

Humor: The teddy bear! Lol, the character's pumpkin head is also somewhat amusing. Good humor, even considering the theme.

Overall: I considered giving it a nine, but really it HAS to be a hands-down ten out of ten. Oh, and i gave it five stars on the voting, but only because there's no six or higher.

Got any more good games coming? One for christmas maybe? Keep up the good work!!!

It's good...

The graphics are very nicely done and the style of the game is great. The music goes very well with the game and the story line/plot is done nicely as well....

...however this game lacks replay value. I honestly wouldn't try to complete this game or play it again. After a while of playing and battling the same characters over and over just to train for a boss that does random damage points, you just want to pull your hair out for wasting time and expecting something else....


I really enjoyed this game.

Graphics: Smooth and excellent

Style: Love it ;)

Sound: Perfect - I liked the sound effects and the music fit perfectly with the mood.

Violence: Enjoyed the battles. My fav. Monster is the Teddy Bear :D

Interactivity: This is what its all about! Great job

Humor: I put a 3 because the Mausoleum music reminded me of Ace Ventura and I laughed a lot XD

Overall: Really excellent game and very well put together. The chatacters where cool and I enjoyed taking my time with it.

Excellent Job!

--this isn't as good as people say it is

First, I do have to give you credit for the smooth graphics. They are excellently done. But there's more to a game than graphics. There's gameplay.

Besides the bosses, there are only about 5 enemies that you can fight. These enemies get stronger as time passes, but it's still the same 5 over and over again. A different level should have different enemies. It is very boring. AS an earlier reviewer said, you have to have amazing patience to think this game is fun.

Similarly, there aren't enough attacks. The gameplay is 1 dimensional. You basically have a choice between overdrive, concentrate, and recover, and you know you have to do concentrate first, and you know recover is usually useless against bosses, so there's hardly any choice at all.

The boss fights come down to a coin toss. You don't know if they are going to do a 300 damage attack or a 1400 damage attack. Most of the game is just fighting endless monsters (and always the same 5 monsters) training to try to fight a boss. There's no adventure, just endless battles. And the last boss is ridiculous. I spent an hour training to fight him, and eventually I got a level 7 character with all stats at least 13. Then I fought the last boss over and over again until I lucked out and got a concentrate followed by four overdrives, a total of about 17200 damage, without dying myself. And guess what? HE DIDN'T DIE. So should I spend another half an hour trying to train more? Should I spend another half an hour fighting him over and over again until I (maybe) get lucky and last until I can get a concentrate and 5 overdrives in for 21500 damage? Will he die even if I do? Sadly this game is just not fun enough for me to bother to find out.

Smooth interface and graphics, but not dazzling enough to conceal the very poor gameplay.


Great i like this game allot and the turn base fighting is great its very good and since its allot like ff and since i am an ff nut your getin a 10 keep it up man