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Reviews for "The Death Trap"

The Voice Acting.

Man, you have GOT to work on your VO. It's boring to listen to, the two characters sound so disconnected from the subject material, and everything is delivered at an extremely low growl. When he says "Let me out, you motherfucker" he should be YELLING it, rattling the bars in anger, not pitching it to himself in a silenced tone!

As a final side note, why is the bottom half of the house so pleasant and the top half not so much? It reminds me of a building in the middle of construction that never got finished, not a horror-filled nightmare. Pick an aesthetic style and stick to it, especially if it's supposed to be the same house and there's no real disconnect between the two parts.


Total piece of crap and the kid who made this couldn't voice act his way out of a wet paper bag. The Jigsaw rip off who puts you in the house sounds like an 8 year old does when he is trying to sound evil.

Simple and dull

this game was awful the voice actor sounded like he didn't want to do this piece of garbage with his flat tone second the the puzzles were easy and the jump "scares" where predictable hell as a joke i had my 7 year old niece play this game who hates scary things and she beat it her first try and didn't even jump once i probably would have given it a 3 or 4 because it was one guy working on this thing but reading his responses made me give him a 0 because he is more of a whinny baby then my 2 year old nephew

Oh Dear Lord.

I cannot stress just how outstandingly awful this game is. In all honesty, I would throw my computer out the window if I had to play this "game" again. The game is more of a death trap than any of the "traps" it portrays. You complain to those who give you low scores about how hard you worked on this. I wonder if you meant for it to be so bad--it certainly can't be easy to make something so terrible. You literally have to try to be this rubbish at anything. If I could score in the negatives, you bet your ass I would.

Just so I'm not thrusting insults into your deserving face, here's a list of what went wrong (besides the obvious everything):
Aesthetics: Why should I be scared of this house? It's nice as hell, except for a handful of rooms. With those rooms added in, it's entirely inconsistent. Why in the unholy name of you would there ever be a decrepit, run-down dungeon-esque place right above this nice-ass first floor? If anything, it should be the basement. Or in a house a little more fitting.

Originality: It's fucking Saw, except with pictures you grabbed from Google Images and a gallery of 3D room concepts.

Voice acting: The only two speaking characters sound exactly the same, except one of them is a little raspier. The protagonist sounds like he's been stripped of all emotional inflection in his speech, and the antagonist sounds quite the same, only he's a heavy smoker and he forces a real shite laugh all the time.

Consistency: As said above, some of this "death trap" of a house is very un-horrifying, while other parts are suddenly dilapidated, or in one case, in space. Not even the first screen is consistent. The title, play, and instructions buttons all clash with each other, and instantly give off the feel of an amateur game.

Clarity and Intelligence: So I didn't what the percent of serial killers from America was or whatever. Boom. Death. What killed me? Did I die of shame from being wrong? How in the fuck does one die from circling the wrong date on a calendar? (By the way, why is that calendar only a week long? That's a pretty short year!) I can understand the coffee cup death. It's poison, obviously. But how does drinking the other coffee get him out of the house? Why is there a phone, when it doesn't work? There was no actual need for that. Who even built this house? Worst architect in the entire universe. Fire him immediately. Oh, and the newspaper was godawful. Could you not check your spelling and grammar, seriously? I didn't even bother reading the thing about Lauren after that gargantuan mess.

There is no silver lining to this dark cloud.
No toilet to flush down this pile of shit.

I have played some shitty games in my time... But this... THIS... I feel as if I deserve a reward for getting even halfway through, let alone getting to the end. I have just braved the worst thing I could possibly think of, and this is coming from someone who, just a little bit ago, read a story about a coprophagic, interracial obese midget threesome. That, my friend, was not a pleasant experience; this was even worse. This game ruined my entire year. Though that's not too long, I guess. Apparently a year is only about seven days, after all.

Congratulations. You succeeded. This game is scary. But only because I fear for everyone else who will play this abomination.

TL;DR This game is to gaming what Manos: The Hands of Fate is to film.

Voice Acting

You need a Nason-ex, my friend.

Come on, you can do better than this! It just seemed like this whole flash game was work to you, not just something made for fun. Next time (if there is a next time) just have fun with it. You talk about how "OMG HARD" you worked, but I don't see any real effort. In fact, it reminds me of one of those horrible science projects some kid made when he was too lazy to actually try.

Try and get some friends to help you with voice acting, or take a class that teaches you basic expression when you're doing stuff like this. If the fact that you were concealing an accent is what made it all so awkward, then let the Aussie inside of you flow! There's nothing wrong with accents; they're awesome as long as the words are clearly pronounced.

Like I said, this flash game shouldn't just feel like it was a big chore you had to do. Please put in more effort from now on. You don't have to spend hour after hour working your tail off on a game. It could be something you fiddle around with whenever you feel like it, so that when you are working on it you're more relaxed and patient with your product.

I hope this helped!