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Reviews for ":O :O :O"

ive been listening to your music for a long time...like, one of the first artists on NG that i actually enjoyed. i listen to your tracks literally every day, but i have to put my foot down. this cant go any further. stick to trance/dnb/techno that you are awesome at, and dont try to mix yourself with the hipster dubstep crowd. youre better than that, youve been better than that for 6 years.

in short, you are awesome, dubstep is not

Do not proceed.

You are by no means a bad artist, you are a very talented musician and your skills are nothing to scoff at. I've loved all of your older dance tracks, {losing touch} and {a change of seasons} being two of the songs I have on my mp3 player and I listened to over and over again. However, this dubstep song is absolute crap. It's not your fault by any means, but dubstep is a terrible thing; consisting of no actual content except for the bass drops which seems to be the only defining feature of the entire genre. Please do not waste more time making womp sounds and work towards something you're good at and something everyone can appreciate, your dance music.
