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Reviews for "Gravity Pinball 2"

great game

that was a very enjoyable game. I liked how you could unlock various things for the editor mode, and in some parts it was very challenging. However, it reminds me a lot of ball revamped, because the physics are pretty much identical. So that lowers the points a bit.

All in all, fun to play, ran smoothly, beatable in about a half hour, and generally just fun

Superb... But...

Superb game... 5! but... i spent soo long trying to beat the game, that i destroied the up arrow on my keybord... but other than that, great job...

Better than the last one

Well, it was better than the last one, better builded levels and some good specials, but some levels just pissed me off. And the medium levels, no way! Anyway good game, good music and I really enjoyed the editor!

Good game!

Cool Game!

Thanks for voting, FordMustangClock!
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It's a hard game, but it sure is fun! Great job!

Cool game.

It's a fun game once you figure out the controls (started using the arrow keys after the mouse "didn't work"). There MIGHT have been instructions somewhere that would have saved me this trouble, but I just went into the game without a moments thought, so....

Nice flash.