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Reviews for "Twinkle Revue Sim Date 2"


haha good game also momo can kiss my ass i aslso did ginger

copied from darkmark1234 and Infernium

Older sis named Mary who lives w/ Jane
Loves fruit, esp. melons
Magical+$=ideal man
fav. band: Beach Boys
Angelina Jolie is hot
likes soda, prefers beer
birthday is May 14
last name, Kudrow
watches Hawaii 5-O
likes Punk music
Likes cooking wine
likes stir fry
fav. band: Salt and Peppa
Likes hip-hop
last name, Hitachi
watches Iron Cheif
likes Joan Cusack
18 yrs. old
Wise+Magical=ideal man
birthday is Aug 25
likes magical and mysterious guys
likes chocolate
birthday is Oct. 3
likes fruit smoothies w/ vanilla vodka
likes tv show, American Idol
fav. singer, Whitney Houston
likes Scarlet Johanssen
last name, Suzuki
likes anykind of music
18 yrs. old
Audrey Hepburn is pretty
watches Broken Saints
likes Long Island Ice tea
Likes games
likes well rounded guys
birthday is Feb. 18
likes Pink
20 yrs. old
likes Bach
likes tomatoe and basil soup
money+muscles=ideal man
19 yrs. old
likes classical music
doesn't watch tv
last name, Bouquet
Jan. 3
likes wine
likes Heavy Metal
band: Metallica
likes tequila shots
23 yrs. old
birthday is July 7
likes strong guys
no last name
likes steak
likes Tia Carrera
Likes guns
1,000 Days - ududlrlrbaslctstrt............10 Flowers
100 Days - scarletsilkstalkings............Surpr ise Scarlet
50 Days - inamedthem4theirhair.........100 Strength, 100 Magic, 100 Intellect
1,000 Days - hazelnutsarethebest........10 mp3 players
100 Days - doitdoitnow.......................All Moves
50 Days - hazelisgreenish...................Sur prise Hazel
1,000 Days - crystalclearblue..............20 Guns
100 Days - abadeeabadai...................150 Energy
50 Days - pyroanimenia.....................Crys tal Dressup
1,000 Days - violetsandblossoms.........$9,000
100 Days - bitchybuthot......................100 Strength, $5,000
50 Days - liketotallyviolet....................
Violet Dressup
1,000 Days - rosescentisplayedout.......120 Magic
100 Days - arisearoseareering.............90 Magic, 90 Intellect, 20 Woks
50 Days - 4rosycheeks........................Ro se Pictures
1,000 Days - gingercureshangovers......100 Magic, 10 Pearls
100 Days - surfsupginju.......................no thing yet
50 Days - finalbeerginvodka.................Gin ger Dressup
i did this so as to bump it. i hope this helps and credits go to darkmark1234.


if u type inamedthem4herhair all stats 100

Good game

I had no problems with this at all if the people say it has bad gameplay i say to you all you just suck at games =)

heres a review of the first game i haven't read it yet but I will.