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Reviews for "Turbo Heavy Metal Spirit"


ive always hated racing games that make you slow way the hell down just to turn and all you can do is watch as everyone else flies by you.

Maybe that's just me.

Seriously, though. It's not.


Thats really cool how you made things get bigger when you get closer.
Its awsome!


I enjoyed this game, the mouse controls were fluid, but I thought there would be a little more to this game, for it to actually be worthy of the frontpage.

The good things were that there were two control modes, both fluid and responsive, and the graphics looked nice

The bad things were that the game wasn't very creative, and there wasn't much to it.

Decent game, but not worthy of frontpage.


i liked the mouse control. it was cleverly done. just the gauge charging up along with the control. regardless, i was raped by every mode of control. i got no more than 3 seconds in any direction. i don't blame you though; i just suck at videogames.

good stuff. and these kids that think they're fuckin hard cuz they know harder metal are just stupid. death metal's the shit but it's just a bike game.

but now that i think about it...some fuckin deicide wouldn't hurt at all. racing to spheres of madness would totally rape ass. do iiiiiit

and since when is saying "rape" a need for being banned. even metalacolypse says "financially raped" in of the more recent episodes and the word's not even censored.

in spanish, to rape is "violar."
e.g. el hijo violó la hija

the more you know!

Good Game

Good game. It is true it reminds from the old games.
It really much reminds me of a motorbike game on my old very crap pc (about 60mhz) when I was about 6 year old.

Good game and gave some good memories.

Keep it up mate. I give it a 4/5