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Reviews for "Pixel Blaster"

Oh My Word :O

That was one of the best games I have played.
I usually suck at these sorts of games.
But I think I played this one well P:

Nice work.
It looked good and it played well too.
My wrist hurts now.
And that's your fault, lol.

Thorgaming responds:

heh thanks glad you liked the game, sorry bout the wrist! :D


10's all around. I beet the game with a score of 607360.
great job

AWESOME! but i have found a litle bug...

Hey dude! this game ROCKS! you should think of a sequence! totally fresh new stuff! that´s what NG is all about!
but I have faced a litle bug! =/
in the 3rd wave of the 3rd kind of spaceship (i think, not sure about the numbers because i was hipnotized with destroying spaceships..hehehe) one of the ships just stopped moving, shooting and I couldn´t kill her...it just freezed that ship! my ship was ok and the others were dead...but i couldn´t proceed with the game for that ship was jamming it...

GREAT WORK! keep it up with all those awesome games!


I thought it was a good game.
I know most people prolly don't like the way the control is set up, but i personally think it was cool cuz it made it challenging and not so ordinary.
I thought it had good Graphics and a fair scoring system too.
hope there is a crazier sequal game comming soon :P

I'd buy that for a dollar!

This game is hot. Well done.

The game is a top-down shooter, and movement is controlled separately from weapons fire, which is somewhat reminiscent of the arcade classic Smash TV. The physics are very glossy and smooth, and yield a wonderful gameplay experience.

In later levels, enemies are thick skinned, so it becomes necessary to charge your weapon to get kills. At the high end, managing your energy resources between your cannon and shields is a fine art.

One detail that I really enjoyed is that once your weapon is charged, the charge depletes over time, not by shots fired. This is huge, and awesome.

Please, move the shield key off of 'q'! It makes me sad having my mobility affected by reaching for the shields, so shileds need to be on a key that can be held down while 'wasd' is being used- 'shift' or 'ctrl' would be great, or you could even take over 'space'. (Who needs brakes, anyway?)

As for things to add- in that limbo when you have just died and are waiting to be reborn (so you can get shot at more times yay), I would like to have a little mini-game appear wherein you can repeatedly punch a baby seal or something. I don't know, I just wanna punch something.

The laser is really cool, but I feel like there should be weapon upgrades or special weapons or something. Big explodey weapons. Put the shield key on 'space', and 'q' can set off the bombs :D

Energy is replenished by making kills, but it's hard to make kills without energy... Maybe make energy slowly regenerate over time to provide another way out of energy debt?

It would be cool if shields reflected shots. What if you could bounce incoming shots by timing your shield just right?

I'm only giving suggestions because I'm excited to see what you'll do next. I commend you! Excellent work!

I'm off to get beat up by hard mode a few more times...