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Reviews for "Joyful Adventures"

You people have to taste.

This was one of the most beautiful works of art to ever grace us with its presence. If god could use flash...It would look a little like this.


Too weird/creepy to be cool or funny. I'd hate to meet the artist in person.

ineedhalp responds:

That's a shame because I'd love to meet you in person. I would buy thee a balloon and we could discuss our memories of days past. Through the sunny field we did hop and embrace each other's hand while giggle amongst the fresh dew-glazed grass. Rain slowly began to splash gently upon us, so we sought shelter beneath an apple tree. The drizzle grew into a shower and the cloudy overcast sky became darker. A streak of lightning split the sky and it's thundering roar followed shortly after. I looked to my love and told her "Do not be frightened". With a reassured smile she nodded. A faint silhouette could be seen growing larger in the distance. I stood up, stroked my mighty twelve-foot long beard, and readied my axe. The cloak of shadows covering the distant figure slowly peeled off. "The Watcher..." I mumbled as I grit my teeth. With a thundering battle cry, I bolted towards the shade. As I charged, my surroundings became silent. The lightning and thunder ceased, the howl of the wind faded, and the rain drops were muffled by the sound of my trampling feet. Now in striking range, I plummeted my axe blade deep into my targets face. Blood shimmered as it flowed past my blade. A fountain of red erupted from the wound as my foe fell to the ground. Flicking the blood off my blade, I stood before the corpse of The Watcher and shouted, "All ye who attempt to block my path, beware! I shall not cease my travels until all thee are slain!" I picked up the corpse's head and severed the final flap of skin keeping it attached to the body. I impaled the head on a spike on my shield. This marked the thirteenth one head to become a trophy on my shield. I returned to the tree, where my love stood waiting. "It has been taken care of, my fair maiden" I said as I kneeled down to kiss her hand. In the midst of the pouring rain and the ceaseless thunder, a spark of love was all that we felt. She dropped her robe to the ground and gracefully presented herself to me. I knelt down to meet her warm embrace. However, right before my dynamic entry she began chanting words in a language I have never heard before. An eruption of blood. I jumped back, zipped up my trousers, and readied my axe. Crawling out of the corpse of my lover was a revolting mound of flesh and tendrils. It seemed shapless and etherial, however it was something of this world. Thousands of eyes opened and peered at me. This mass of flesh before me seemed to continue growing larger. I swung my axe at the living mountain, cutting deep within it. As my blade slid further into the beast's hide, pustules bubbled around the wound and popped quickly. Blood and pus flew out as I continue dredging ever last drop of life out of the beast. I followed with another blow. And another. Another. After hacking away at the thing for a good hour, it exploded into a storm of blood. Months later, blood still rained down from the skies. And I sat atop my throne of skulls, drinking wine from a golden goblet. And I pointed across the mound of virgin corpses. Between the two mountains that I pointed, the dark priest of the deep rose up through the ocean, and began his digestion of this world. Ia Ia Cthulhu fhtagn!


I like random vilonce of randomness, this flash is random crap, but i like random crap alot, so this is random crap with violence and overall its a good flash.


oh my god... violent, but very good


bloody as pshycko movie xD so good