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Reviews for "Epics of Distant Realm"

Like all the othere adventure games...

I played the game for about 30 minutes, beefore starting to write this review.
First i thought, that it's gonna be something difrent from all the othere adventure game here on NewGrounds.
When I completed the first cave and went to the second I saw that all the caves are the same.There is no difrence exept for which montster comes first, as there are only 3 or 4 tipes of monsters in the whole game.
There is no story-line and no information about the Empresses, who seems to be some kind of main boss at the end of the Cave-cleansing.Actualy the game is more like some kind of Action-based game as it doesent deserve to be in the Adventure games cuarter.

Well, enoughf of non-constructive criticisem.

If you want that this game is actualy worth something, you have to redoo it right from the beegining, from the point where you talk to the old man. The old man, shuld give you more Information about the empresses in a spooky kind of way to make an interesting and acctractive story-line right from the beegining.Then you shuld improve all the shops: Weponsmit(shields,more wepons,armor...)
Mageshop:(More attractive spells to buy...)
After that you culd enlarge the town with more houses,shops and buildings and make Qest-givers and Information-givers.
Improve the Isle too. make more pionts of interest like:castles,Enchanted forestes,lakes,rivers.Special buildings....
You shuld improve the difrence beetwen the magical-users and the wepons-users so that it will give the game more diferenciality and style.
Make more monsters to kill,and more items to obtein,not just gold and apples etc.

This vuld be my advice to how improve the game
Weathere you use it or not...

graa -.-

yesterday i was quit bored so i played this game it was quit funny a time but it wasnt that ood xD and i played about 2 hours and i saved and today i cant continiu :( and now i wont play again :( but if u bored its nice to play ^^


it was... kinda boring.


It was pretty good. But it got very repetitive, I wouldn't recommend playing it.

It's Ok...

The game is ok. When I first started playing I was actually excited. I liked the beginning intro and the one after your first night's sleep. But I was thinking to my self... a space ship!?!

But there were many and I mean MANY problems with the game.

#1... Too repetitive. I mean you had three normal enemies and one boss. That is it. Nothing else. Not even different color schemes of said monsters, just them being repeated over and over again.

#2... The battles. There was not much to do, but swing a sword, cure your self and use Fireball and Lightning. That is it. And the knife was the best thing to use starting out so I stuck with it until I got a better sword. There was no option for escape and not once did I miss my attack or them theirs.

#3... The dungeons. WTF!?! It is the exact same thing over and over again. You go to the bulletin board. They tell you they found a cave. You go to said cave. You walk into it, walk into the next room and fight one of the three monsters. Defeat it and go to the next room and pick up a bag that contains a few apples, a few mushrooms and a about 30-40 gold pieces. Then you go to the next room fight a monster and either leave the cave or go to another room with another bag on the floor with the same stuff and then fight another monster and travel back to the town to look at the bulletin board to find out they found another cave. So you travel to it, go to the next room, fight one out of the three monsters in the game and then go to the next room and find a bag on the ground that has... yea, that is 99% of the game. WTF!?! A change of scenery or some thing else would be nice.

#4... The menus and shops. There was no descriptions for any thing... nothing. No descriptions of what Strength does or Endurance or Ability etc. The shops give no description of what one weapon did from another as in damage. Obviously a more expensive weapon will do more damage, but it would have been nice to see what the differences were and no names. Be creative!

And I bought a wand from the mage's shop thinking it would be a side weapon. Nope, it just replaced the more expensive weapon I had bought a few minutes before. But no fear, I was hitting just as hard or almost as hard as I was with the beginners wand as I was with the long sword...

And there is no pause and pop up asking if you are sure you want to replace one weapon for another. After beating the game I decided to check and found out I can buy the dagger and ditch the best sword in the game, no questions asked about it... Not good if done by accident.

#5... The towns people. Where were they? It would have been nice if I could see the black smith or the mage or the person at the market. It would have been nice to have some kind of interaction than just the freaking bulletin board!

#6... The story. This is an RPG/Adventure game. Where is the story!?! Why is there a space ship when every thing else is just medieval?

#7... The caves. Seriously... how many of these things are the town's people going to find!?! And again only the same three monsters.

#8... The last boss. She was ok, but the clones... that was uncreative. I did not die once in the game. Not even against the boss or any of her clones. I beat cave 33 and did not bother going any further. And I feel I wasted too many points in magic and ability, not really knowing what either really did, especially ability.

#9... The movement of the character. Why should I have to go back to the town to see the bulletin board each time I beat a cave? All I am going to do is leave to another cave. Why waste the time?

I liked the graphics, but every thing else was sub par. The only surprise in the game was the farming, but even that had problems. I had to pick, leave, come back and then water. And the market to get the potion ingredients, I had to individually click for each and every piece. It could be 500 clicks! Why not a slider bar to pick as many as I want or atleast 100 at a time? The game could have been so much better.