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Reviews for "Epics of Distant Realm"

Repetitive. Fast :( Good to kill an hour or 2 :)

Some details on the scores awarded. This helps show where the criticism is being directed at etc.

Graphics: 7.

In my opinion the Graphics were good. Better than, say, the old 8-bit systems' graphics (Genesis/MegaDrive etc), but worse than, say, Doom 3 and FEAR (obviously, I mean it is a simple Flash RPG ffs). That said, the Graphics score is relative to the platform in which they were made (Flash) and so they're pretty good in that respect. A healthy 7/10 for Graphics. Agreeable, no?

Style: 6.

Style was good, though not excellent. Interface layout was well done as I found everything easy to use, however, there was a severe lack of help anywhere. Would a simple tooltip explaining potion effects been too much to ask for? I think not though I suppose it's understandable since the authors can't be expected to get everything crammed into one version - that's where version updates come in. Please include help in a later version. Please!

Another thing, there seemed to be an awful lot of repitition which drained the gameplay severely. After a few caves, I got bored, however, since I'm a very determined and somewhat perfectionistic person, I plowed through about 30 or so caves and then called it a day (window is still open so I might get in a few more). That being said, Style gets 6/10.

Sound: 8/10.

This score is not an accurate one; I'm giving the game the benefit of the doubt here with a rather generous score since I was listening to other music in the background so. I did hear a few sounds though, in particular, the sound of that crazy hell woman with 666 health attacking me - those were freaky and rather humorous sounds so that's a + imho. So Sound gets 8/10.

Violence: 3/10.

This rating is based on how violent the violence was and how much of it there is; it is NOT - repeat NOT - based on the quality of violence e.g. gore, blood splatter etc (in that case, it gets a 1/10 as I don't recall seeing any blood whatsoever). The violence is simplistic melee or magic striking action with simple character recoil and animated reactions to strikes. Nothing that the children should be kept from imho. Hence the 3/10 for Violence.

Interactivity: 8/10.

Quite a bit to do in this game. Nothing near epic proportions such as Morrowind or Oblivion but enough to keep you going for an hour or so (more if you can hack the repitition). Essentially its cave exploring, kill a few enemies, collect some treja (treasure), return to town, sleep to restore health, upgrade weapons, rinse and repeat till bored still and hands fall off. Requires keyboard and mouse use constantly. And that nets Interactivity an 8/10 score in my books. Hmm, come to think of it, where are those books...? *goes off to look for those long lost tomes*

*returns 2 weeks later to finish review*
Now, where was I...? Oh yes, humor.

Humor: 2/10.

Very little humour from what I've observed. The only humour was some of the sounds I heard while not paying direct attention to the sound! Still, I doubt this was meant to be a highly comical piece of work. As such, this won't affect the overall score. Ain't I a nice guy? *hides sniper rifles* Erm, you saw nothing... Never mind.

Overall: 8/10.

Overall, this was a sweet game. True, a little repetitive and thus indirectly short for most. However, by the looks of things it was quite a large project and inho credit should be given where credit is due (I think there's a quote that goes something like that...meh, never mind). A robust score of 8/10 reflects my appreciation of the work that went into creating this rather high-quality game (from a Flash game perspective). Keep it up Tayfun Tuna and Esen Andic (authors)!


If I ever decide to make a game (I've considered it several times and have even delved into it a bit) then I'll be referring to this for some inspiration/ideas etc. And yes, credit will be given if anything is used. If only there were more games like this to play to pass the time. Ah, if only...


Can you ever defeat ALL the clones? Is there a ending to this game or what?


Its a nice gameplay but the cave, yea , is getting BORING.... if think u get it. Nice one

well it is okay

just put some new monsters donĀ“t repeat them all and all and all over and pass some cheats so it would make it easier because you get very little gold and the monsters give you a little quanttity of experience so if you can pass some cheats for that it would be easier but it is a good rpg game just put some more music and better graphics and i will give you a 5 and a 10/10

Solid Game! :D

Yeah, its repetitive to no end and the story doesn't really have any depth, but I still had fun playing it; the graphics were nice and the gameplay was quick and easy. Combining the items was a nice touch; I spent the first 90% of my game-time building up my strength, and then I used the item combos to build up my magic to an awesome level, so that I could cure myself well in battle. Once I'd done that, I took on the boss and she was toast! Good stuff. :) I had fun. Here's my final Episcore - 139841.