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Reviews for "ClockCrew Collab - Light!"

this rocks

i read all the reviews, yes ALL of them, just to see what people tried to bash this on, and really, bashing it because "nightmare city" used it, is a really dumb idea. really, i watched it after and it looks alot different then this, maybe the same fighting style, but then you might as well say "all anime's are the same" which is just...not right. this song totally does kick ass, and it was a good song to base it around. alot of the graphics, were really good, and though people may say make it like "the yu yu"...if youve ever watched all the top 50, theres only 4 movies in that style. and there all done by the same person. now try comparing any of the top 50 with "the yuyu" and see if if it meets expectations. no? i didnt think so, this is really damn good, and its not even like only one person worked on it, which makes it even cooler, because it must be hard as hell to put a collab together that isnt in individual scenes that dont completely differ in graphics. good job. you deserve alot of credit, expecially whoever put it together, it must of been a pain in the yeah. people who say its lacking on interation...really. explore the flash a bit more will ya? character profiles anyone? not super humerous to me, but a little chuckle here and there, which is good to have in a flash, it makes it more diverse. oh. and there was a decent amount of blood, theres your violence, i think i covered all bases yes? well, i look forward to another good flash next clock day, id like to see more collabs from you guys, it just really shows some team work.

Sonucais responds:

you have all the fucking reason, you rule!

Another Great Collab by the Clock Crew

Let me just say that I am a HUGE fan of the clock crew and this proves to all those haters out there that you guys do not suck at flash animations. The music kicked major ass and I liked the scene with Strawberry and Banana. Keep it up dudes

Sonucais responds:




Sonucais responds:



This is an amazing flash movie. This is one of the greater collabs of NG- and I don't understand why it got such a low score. The audio wasn't to bad either, pretty cool song. Voted 5.

Sonucais responds:

It was a rape-group (anticlocks) and super raised it! Im sad... this world is stupid just for these people.

Thx for your 5, it alwais helps


Dude, if you dont know who the clocks are, then you need to get off newgrounds. An entire culture has come out of their existence. You should die (the last reviewer)

Sonucais responds:

He's really really gay i replied.