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Reviews for "TooF Military Intel"

^^ Hammergeil

Ja mann, ich mag deine filmchen, scheint dir genausoviel spaß zu machen wie mir (sie zu gucken).
Ich hoffe, dass du immer schön weiter machst mit TooF, ich mag vor allem die Kommentare am ende.
Nette idee mit dem Drill Seargent, so läuft das bei uns hier drüben auch ab -.- kotzt mich voll an.
Am meinsten mag ich deinen Stil, ich meine, die Filme sind schnell und einfach gemacht und du sprichst selbst die Synchronstimmen, und trotzdem ist es eine der wenigen Serien über die ich wirklich lachen kann. Danke fürs zuhören.
...(keep it up)


pretty darn good job my friend. i like the series, its funny. even though the funny faded hair guy sounds suspiciouley(sp) like the guy from that end of ze world flash, but ill forgive you for making a kick ass series.

This one made me laugh. Lots.

I absolutely loved the script for this episode. It had all the punch-lines and gags in the right spots at the right time.
Not much else to say about It I suppose, other than another good job.

Now go to sleep.

Not one of your best

It was kind of hard to understand the southern accents so I didn't really hear any of the jokes. The ones that I did here weren't that good though. Still keep trying because (LIke TooF 5 and 6) some of the are REALLY great!

People are too critical about this series...

I love your series, man. Don't let anything or anyone stop you from doing it until you yourself are sick and done with it. This episode was something new, and I liked it a lot, though a little less than your previous episodes (TooF 3 was my favorite).

Keep it coming.