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Reviews for "TooF Military Intel"

Its grown on me : )

Didn't like these too much when they first came out, but they have grown on me indeed, you're right in saying the dialogue is best in this episode, it was quite witty.

On the series in general: its nice to have regular short installments, as there seem to be no other noteworthy series that do this at the moment. I could imagine one problem would be people tiring from them being too frequent, but so far so good.

On all the people bitching: I can see why they do, as episodes do recieve quite high ratings, and the fact they come out every week could lead to the impression that you are whoring. But I can see now that this definately isn't the case. I can see you enjoy making these and enjoy positive response from viewers, so as long as that remains your work etiquette then I can't see how anyone can complain, its not like you are living off the revenue from machining out a cartoon a week. So as long as things stay this way I'll always see this as a nice series to have around, which brings a smile to my face on a regular basis : ) thanks

Great but for the last guy WTF?!!?!?!

Last guy should suck money balls, 'nuf said.

Great movie LOVED the reply 2 all parodies movie it was really nice. gonna get some ice cream want some?


How about you use diferrent images for your submissions? It distinguishes one from the rest, so you don't think they're all the same. It's what real artists do.

Shitty graphics, dry humor, awful animation (pictures with mouths gets a 3.50+?). Why not practice and brush up your animation, then make an amazing movie, instead of re-opening an old TooF .fla, copy and pasting the first frames and going from there. This same old junk is worthless, learn to animate.

Here's hoping you learn a thing or two, and quit this "recycle art and add new voice acting and horrificly gradiented hats".


Well episode it self wasent one of my favorits (still realy kick ass though), but i thought the commentary and the replies realy saved this episode. Like when you did all the voices of the characters that was pretty freakin sweet.

This is possibly one of the best flash series..

This proves that graphics and nonstop-action animation is not all that is important in a flash. I have watched every Toof so far(even those failure parodies) and I believe that the reason you get such great ratings is simply because you are actually funny. Hundreds of thousands of flash artist(including those ss fags) wish they had the creativity that you have, and the only reason the ss is attacking toof is because of your flash ALL NG FADS MUST DIE. They can't take a joke so they attack your flash, I'm actually glad you don't take offence to it, it shows that you aren't a wimpering bitch just because someone doesn't like your flash(..like the ss)

Well keep up the good work!