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Reviews for "Turret Defence"

Just another defence game.

Okay i guess i mean theres just a lot of games where you defend something. But you put really good effort in to it i hope to see more of youer stuff

Another defense game

This is a good version of a game that's been done a thousand times so far. Very good 3-D animation, decent style (even if it has been seen too mant times before), and good sound and controls. As far as defense games go... Turret Defense is among the top entries.


Although it stops being fun after about 5 minutes, mostly due to lack of variety in weapons and enemies and the like, I must admit that this is one of the prettiest flash games I have ever seen. But that's about the only thing going for it, and probably the only reason it managed to get onto the front page. Meh.

Not bad... Yet not great.

I can fully understand the hardwork you put into this game, and I am by no means trying ot ridicule it.

Well your graphics are excellent, the sound is quality, and the smoothness is impressive. But graphics and flashy noises don't create the essence of a game that most people enjoy.

Your variety is pitiful and complexity is lacking. The game is not difficult just tiering. But one thing I rejoiced over was the fact the you forced us to actually aim, instead of shoot stray bullets and pray for something to happen.

Your talent flourishes but your creativity seems to be rusty.

My advice:

-The whole idea of a convoy deploying units is not such a great idea, its quite pointless actually. Remove this unit and create another alittle more challanging, say artillery?

-Widen the screen to inculde more units and make your self a little bit more flexible with what you can do. Say add air units of some sort.

-I'm glad your going for a realistic touch by leaving out the upgrades, but for a defense game your killing a major part of it. You don't nesssarly have to make it like 'beach head 2000'. Its possible just to have a simple damage or health upgrade. Or maybe self repair or bullet speed increase?

-Have each enemy give a certain amount of money, credit, points...whatever you want to name it just some sort of currency to pay for the upgrades.

-Involve a pause menu before each level giving the player a chance to relax and purchase upgrades.

-Try to add different modes such as 'survival', time attack and ect..

-Involve some sort of story line. Completly optional but it gives the game a purpose.

-A major problem a noticed is your lack in creating a User Interface (UI) for the player. We need to see some kind of health bar or ammo, or maybe gun over heating bar. At least show our kills?

Nevertheless your effort to the game play was lacking but I know how hard it is to make a game and your contribution is appriciated but your game is mediocore.

I hope I gave youe some sort of insight in improving your game.

Good luck.

Not bad.

its a little repeditive and as someone had already said needs Some weppen upgrades