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Reviews for "Hinted"

Nice concept...

I liked the concept of this song, but, it's still unfinished, huh?? You could make something longer, since this song is pretty cool to be wasted, this could be a nice riff for a Rock n' Roll song, it'd fit awesomely to the concept...

Also, the duration was very cool to show us your work, I think it worked really well, since it's a bit sloppy yet... But, the riff was very cool, I liked the melancholy, and the ambient, it has a great sound, I liked the effects, you made a great job with this song, I just wanna see the rest of it, I think it'd deserve a 10...

Anyways, as I said billions of times before, I liked the concept, it's a pretty cool riff, it made a great effect, the melancholy created kind of a nice atmosphere in my room... I gave you a 7 because the work is unfinished, huh?? I expect to listen the full part, please, you have a great potential, keep it up!

(Review Request Club)

Review Request Club

I'm torn. I kind of like the lo fi nature of it. It makes the track seem a little rougher around the edges and more toned down in nature; gives you this idea of a guy on his porch or something playing a busted-up guitar to no-one in particular. To the point where I think given the right flash the quality of it could actually be quite atmospheric.

That being said, I still think it could use a few improvements just to take it a little further from "lo fi" into "cool sounding lo fi". Some of the plucked notes sounded a little odd, especially the bassy one at 0:10 and a few more besides. In general, it could also do with being a little louder, though I suppose the light background noise would pick up a whole lot more if you simply amplified it. If you can, find a program that has a decent noise reduction, just so you can bring the track up to a more listenable dynamic throughout, because while it's toned down, it's also turned down, which is a little odd.

Really liked the repeated notes of the ending...in general, I thought it was a nice track. Definitely had some quality issues, but has a lot of character and atmosphere for it. Could use a few tweaks, but...what can I say, to each their own. This was pretty neat.

-Review Request Club

It's ok...

Not too bad but it's a little simple and way under produced. If that's the sound you were going for then, that's fine but I didn't really enjoy it as a piece. If this is way under par compared to what you normally produce then surely you would want opinions to improve the stuff you've tried your hardest on. I don't think it makes much sense submitting this piece. I can't say much about this song other than is is fairly sloppy and sounds low-fi, just as your description states. That doesn't make it good though, I could put some white noise up and say 'mmm noisy. Just how I like it!'.

Your playing is a little sketchy in places. It's fine to mess around with timing but there are parts in this song where it sounded like you fluffed your notes. I would add some vinyl style distortion to give it a crispy vintage vibe too. Maybe you could find some samples of a record being played and overlay the bits where there's no audio but plenty of crackle? This piece isn't overly exciting but is nearly there stylistically.

Review Request Club.

JohnnyCellulose responds:

I like what Animith said: "gives you this idea of a guy on his porch or something playing a busted-up guitar to no-one in particular"

It was a spur-of-the-moment-dont-even-remember -the-riff-recorded-in-one-take.

And this is irrelevant: "I could put some white noise up and say 'mmm noisy. Just how I like it!'."


Yeah, pretty sloppy...

I have to admit, I don't really enjoy guitar songs of this type. To me they lack depth, excitement, and at times sound pretty random. This wasn't really random, and had a decent melody, so it's definitely better that the other songs like this, but it still needs some work IMO.

The melodies, as I said, were nice. They're calming, and provoke a simplistic, relaxing atmosphere. As sixflab said, the fact that you retirated the ending notes was good and provided a good outro. Still, the silence at the end and beginning are pretty unnecessary, and overall the song is pretty quiet. Here it is, louder and with the silence removed (also slightly higher quality), in case you want it:
Also, is it me, or does 0:16 sound weird?

The guitar used was alright, if not too dry. It was also low quality, although you said that it was intentional so I won't really complain about that. Obviously, having more instruments playing along with the guitar such as some strings, a piano, drums and maybe another guitar, possibly even vocals, would make this even better, but I suppose keeping it as a little guitar solo as it is now would be alright too.

The transitions from one melody to another were good, and the song flowed smoothly, which helped in the plain and relaxing theme of the song. I liked that you had some quieter parts and some louder parts; it helped make the song more interesting. The structure is actually very good, as sixflab said. I was impressed by the structure for sure, and the variety is also very good. Not random, but not repetitive either. Good job with the structure/variety. The intro was good, and the outro was decent too; not much to say about them.

As I said above, this could do with some drums. If you want I can help you out in that department, but I'll need to know the BPM.

In general, this is a nice little song. Simple, but has a very good atmosphere and sounds decent. Keep up the good work.
5/5 - because this song got badly 0-bombed.

-Review Request Club-

Well put

-I think you put it well when you said it was sloppy. Song starts six seconds after you press play and ends at the 1:07 mark. Just nit-picky but it makes it seem like you didn't take the time to cut off the extra unused parts(unless you wanted it to be like that).

-It's quite a relaxing song that has a nice country feel to it. Makes you just want to go out on your back porch and feel the breeze go by.

-The part just after the minute mark was a nice touch by re-iterating the ending notes. Gave the tune just that little extra definition it needed to be a well rounded song in my book.

-Review Request Club