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Reviews for "Taliban Twister"

Retarded Nazi Trash

Earth to planet Shithead: has anyone noticed that perfectly peaceful people in are being gunned down in American streets because they happen to be Muslim, or "look like one"? Would you also laugh and cheer the killing (real or "satirical") of Jews or Blacks if the major TV networks told you that this was a good idea? This is sickening.

Referring to EvilZim's remarks

Your deeply mistaken my friend. This barely even critisizes Osama and his little radical group. What i found very offensive is how he assosiated Allah with Suicide! True islam does not condone this, so making a movie about this, is just plain stupid. Stalin, like hitler and like Osama, was a mass murderer. Why the hell would i care if Osama was critisized and i'm sure you dont really give a fuck if Stalin was stripped naked and set on fire in a Newgrounds movie. My problem ain't what this dumbfuck is trying to insult (taliban), but it's how we associates Islam into this killing frenzy. Also, when he showed that woman with a hijab, it totally pissed the hell out of me. And yah, stalin, since your athiest, then i guess there really is no social figure that i can critisize that will really offend you, but what about the christians and the jews. How about if i were to make a movie about jesus in a really offensive way. How about if I were to make fun of the holocaust. Damnit, ofcourse it wouldn't be cool! PPL actually died in that crisis, and i find it really stupid that you guys laugh at this!! I seriously think this movie should be removed, and i know alot of sensable people out there would agree. Of all the movies i saw about osama bin ladin, this is the first to go out forward and actually link islam with this horrible tradegy. All i'm saying is to keep the movie's straightforward and insult the key people who are involved with this killing. Don't add stupid things like that, cause like i said before, it only increases hate.

Great movie

to those who condem this movie; come on people lighten up! As he said to big the cat he WAS NOT taking a shot at all islamics, just people who have skewed views of their own religions and truths or had intentionally perverted it to influence others. Just as the american puplic blows the situation way out of porportion (like stopped taking planes and have a unwarented fear of biological agents) NG users have done the same. He was trying to make a point through humor and I applaude him for it. I take a quote out of the movie men in black "individuals are smart, but people are dumb panicky animals". I think if your smart enough you can figure that one out. At least there are more indivduals to make this movie in the top 50 if not top 10. Btw diplomacy is also a satire so dont make the same mistake of looking at it with "polictically correct" eyes.

total shit

Ya im glad most of you 13 year olds going YA THAT WAS HELLA FUNNY have any meaning behind your gay words. There is somethings u dont joke about and there is somethings u can. I really didnt care until that twister thing pointed to allah thats just not right man. Sure u are in a free country and u have the right to speak if u want but we also have the right to live without being racially offended and its shit like that which makes u lower then those terrorist scum :/ i must say im deeply disaspointed in the auhtor and even more so at the lame kids going "YAA COOL MAN"

Dumb music, dumb graphics...

everything in this stupid game is a zero, ive seen better graphics on pong!!