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Reviews for "Sonic triple madness1"

Tha crappiness is back!

Sonic and his friend are goin' carzier than ever. Weeeeeh!

And the drawings: As stupid as ever. Hahaha! ^^

Man, I would like to change with your life one day to see how childish you are. (Not meant bad!)

This was awesome.

Greetz & Beatz: Tha DJ Ravecore

RogerregoRRoger responds:

Rule # 1 with insane people:
They act complete oposite in real life then they do on stage.

It's commonly known Clowns are often either depressed or extreme grumpy in real life, so if we ever meet in a office or schoolclass or wahtever, you'll see me quiet, almost half sleeping, half looking nervous over my desk rather then jumping out of the window screaming "whee"


"Now I will...send you to the next level!"

It embarrasses me that it took 13 years for me to notice how dumb that was. I can't take Sonic 3 seriously any more. XD

RogerregoRRoger responds:

That's knuckles for ya.
Still I pick him over the Super über never make a mistake boys that SOnic recently gets.


Good humour Roger, very funny and entertaining one question, when are you going to put Imp 25 on Newgrounds? and when are you gonna release the second part? just wondering!

RogerregoRRoger responds:

The second part is already out, IMP 25 is done, but i extremely dislike the voices so will replace those.. plus I'm wrestling to get them within the 5mb newgrounds limit.


Ok, if eggman doesnt have the emeralds and sonic too... who the fucks have the emerals..?

Good movie, im going to see now the part 2, but first i need 50 rings

RogerregoRRoger responds:

they're shattered all over the place like in every sonic game


This movie is very funny. especialy whe knuckles is like NOW I HAVE PROOF THAT U R...... THE THEIF