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Reviews for "Sonic Millionare"

Wasn't much

So it was a really hard challenge, so for those of u that will try this quiz with no music in it and that give's up really easily, i present u with the results well answers: 1b 0r 1c, 2a, 3d, 4c or 4a, 5d or 5a, 6a or 6c, 7a or 7well i forgot and u now time waz running out but it's 12, 8c or 8b, 9c. And now for the 32,000$: 10b or 10c, 11b, 12a, 13c, 14a. And for the 1,000,000$ question: i'm big and hav a i.q of 300 and it's 15d. it's a good thing i took this quiz over 2x's and wrote down everything.

ur quiz....eh no sry

the sonic heros manual is a whole year after tails origally met sonic, so thats why you think hes 8, hes actually hes 7, if your talking about the first meeting. sonic is 16. yeah knuckles eats fruit and veggies but thats cause hes been living on angel island or floating island depending on the game. but you have to remember knuckles is a echidna i dont know what that is but he looks like a dog to me, so i think knuckles wouldnt turn down a nice steak now and then.

Some of these questions are wrong... Watch out for that. It needs to be changed.

lifelines are shit.

ok. phone lifeline says a answer.
the audience gives most ( more than usual ) to the same answer as the one the phone lifeline says.

and i use 5050. i click the answer best said by the lifelines. and it says its wrong.

oh and did i forget to say it was all in one question?


what curses -.-
the date when Sonic was born: wrong, age of tails: wrong... how many emeralds??? 8???
are you out of your mind?
explain better the questions before writing
many things are incorrect
I'm not happy of this >.<
study study study
How can you say that Sonic was born in November???
don't you know that was born in 23rd of June? T_T