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Reviews for "WTC: The Animated Series"




idk whether to laugh because it was funny but at the end with the people jumping out. well that took it just a step too far. thats when it from funny to wrong

Not the end of the world

Honestly, i expected this to be more funny than it was. Before I view or play a flash I always read the reviews so I can have an idea of what to expect. Judging by the reviews I expected something way better. It was funny but this movie did not achieve its full potential. In the reviews I saw two extremes, those who were pissed off by it and those who thought it was the funniest thing ever, i have to disagree with both extremes. I did not find it offensive at all and I am American, but it also was not THAT funny and it was too short. However, I must say to the author that this flash can serve as a great template for you work out off, I suggest you make another one, one that is longer and try to put more thought into the humor. It was good, but not awesome.


Eh... really not that funny. Nice use of the "London Bridge" song, though. Could've been better.

...Not bad

Graphics: 4 out of 10
I wasn't really all to impressed with this animation as far as graphics go. But it beats a stick cartoon anyday so I had to give some points for that.

Style: 10 out of 10
This has got to be the most ballsy animation I've ever seen on Newgrounds or even the entire net at that. Someone with the adasity to post an animation like this deseres at least some crdit.

Sound: 3 out of 10
As much as I hate "London Bridge is Falling", I thought it fit well with the animation and the other various sound effects, though not all that apealing to the ear, seemed to fit in alright. It wasn't impresive, but it was somthing.

Violence: 10 out of 10
Being that this animation was about 9/11 should say it all. Planes crashing, buildings crumbling, peaople dieing... Obviously.

Interactivity: 0 out of 10
No clicky of the mouse, no pressy of the keyboard, no nothing.

Humor: 2 out of 10
Now the tricky part. I'm not gona complain about this animation because the creator took the time to porperly forworn me. Though I do find 9/11 to be a serious matter, I was worned and my dry taste of humor forced me to continue. Even casting aside the fact it's making fun of 9/11, I didn't really find much to be humorous. The faces on the towers and planes did add a bit of humor to the animation but still left it dry. But there were dieing stick figures so I had to add another point for that. Who doesn't like stick figures dieing? It's Newgrounds for God's sake!

Overall: 5 out of 10
Basicly, I definently find this flash offencive. But as I said before, everyone has a clear warning before watching the film. The animation isn't bad and the sound has some deacent points to it but the humor is a little dry. Overall I would say this is a half-assed-animation, but it will definently grab your atention, weather you find it offensive or not.