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Reviews for "ShoBizNewsyNews #24"


great job as usual.. i get this on my ipod every week now.. but my only question is how the fuck did this get "kill celebs"...WTF?? u dont kill any body.. and "that guys dead" isn't killing anyone so how does this fit in kill celeb's?

It's a first for me..

I've never seen anything like this (news show thing) tell me if i got this wrong... you want to submit these every week!? That's gonna be hard.. Good luck to you... the only criticism i have is the 3 armed baby that was a little in bad taste but i still laughed..... Oh well.

The-WalrusZ responds:

Thanks Nynety-Nyne. I've actually been doing these every week for 24 weeks now.


Re-read your review. Ok......now re-read it again. Now, ask yourself " WTF did I just say?" S-e-r-i-o-u-s-l-y, if you're ( yes, it's you're , not your......pay attention in English class ) going to bash someone's work, try not to make yourself look like a complete moron. Can you HEAR me up in HERE?

If you haven't been to The Walrus's site, you're missing some really funny sh*t.

Nobody Onions Rules



Ok first off to the person that posted just before me. Calm down, I'm sure it might be a good game and all but come on, there's no need for a triple by pass for this stuff.

Secondly, Zipper fish never ceases to make me laugh, keep it up, this is some funny stuff.