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Reviews for "Engineered"

Well done!

Here's what I got plot-wise from the movie:
The mother alien is trying to get pregnant, but all the tests are coming up negative. So they go to some sort of cloning and/or fertilization clinic. The robot then makes them a baby, but the father rejects it because it has a deformed leg. They then try again, and this time the baby is an albino, which the father also rejects. On the third try, the robot is so nervous he makes some mistakes, and the baby turns out three times as deformed as the last too, but that was their last try to make a baby (as I'm assuming from the calender) or the father merely gives up and storms off. Meanwhile, the mother--who just wanted a baby in the first place--looks past the deformities and accepts it.
I think that's all pretty much correct...anyway, one of the best flashes I've seen, well done!


The mother took the fucked up one, when the dad gave up, and all in all the mom didn't care what the baby was, she just wanted somthing for her own

nicely done

It's a thinker!

I caught on right away, and understood the first baby, and the second. I just don't understand why they settled for the fucked up one.

lol Awesome movie man!

Interesting to say the least

This may not have been my favourite animation of all time but it was deffenitly an interesting idea and also carries some interesting messages about society and gender differences. The beings in this film were very Huunan without looking that similar but rather acting more like it. If you watch it finish it else your wasting your time and the creator's. All and all I would recommend this one.

Very good.

I like it.
And dispite it's subject matter it dosn't feel like a propaganda film. (as i'm sure many flims about such things as this could.)
although, i was confused at one part.
What was wrong with the second baby?