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Reviews for "T.T.C. : Osama B.L."

USA is so brain washing you people

FIRST OFF.......people dont crash into buildings and take life for no reason......the USA has stepped on ALOT of folks AROUND the world. SO i cant say, were all that innocent........ANy kind of killing is bad, so shame on the terrorists, and any one who PROMOTES retaliation by bombing them and the innocents that will die.

SECOND......FOr you who think the USA is so helpful and giving ......screw that.....the only reason we ever helped another country was because of our
politicians interests......In Example OIL.....thast why we help the East Europe Areas.
I remember when tribes in Africa were slaughtering each other......why didnt the USA help? HEY HEY I KNOW.....not much profit for them

Im not down for any country ..so screw alot of you bias people, do us ALL a FAVOR and open your eyes and give peace and love to our brothers and sisters.

you really don't know.

Being an American means you don't follow the sheep. (See Christians or yourself) , It means you have a choice.

altr responds:

Yes, I really don't know what you're talking about.If you think I need to know something I'm only 25 mins. away from you. What's your choice?
Unlike terrorists and YOU I'm not so cowardly to hide behind a screen...
(sorry but you used the 'c' word on me, fuck YOU and YOUR sheepherding)

This is Bullshit

There is basically nothing to play. It takes so long to download and it just shows some rock pictures.....this is rubbish!..i give it a zero out of 100. Get rid of this one,the other ones r so much more fun!

altr responds:

I won't explain why you're an idiot, but I will say I don't hide behind computer screens.You want a piece of me? Come get some.Don't hate on what you don't know kiddo.
And fuck all those "k's" in your name too...


As always with such videos and games, I commend you for a demonstration that only targeted a single person in specific, not the entire nation of Afghanistan to annihilate with a nuke or other methods. But I have to say that your message disturbed me most of all before this started. It reveals your emotional status and it is an sad sight. I don't meant that as an insult, but something you need to be aware of. You didn't make this film for the sake of rage, but letting off steam. How? By acting in such a violent fashion? By slowly beating a person to a grisly demise or slashing them up to much of the same fate, all while being applaused as if it is some sporting event? This may only be a tension releasing game, but what if it was real? Would you will it? Would you do it? If so, then I have to say I'm very sorry for you. You've let yourself be manipulated by your own anger at this event into becoming immoral and savage. I know I'll probably get booed for saying this, and that already most people who have read this far think I'm a babbling, hippie fool, but it takes a better, more civilized, more moral, and all together greater person than any terrorist to be able to restrain the tendency to be vengeful and try to see him put away instead. And if he is unrepentant, he'll get what is justly his in the next life, just as the innocents that were murdered received what is justly theirs as well.

dont disrepct someone you will never understand