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Reviews for "Saint - Chapter 1"

teh cool

its funny i just leared about this, cuzi was doint a report on the holy grail n such. WHere there was a story that knights templar guarded it.

Thrilling and interesting

I don´t think you need more "content" because you stuck well to the historical facts. It may have been a trailer, but it was expertly done. Especially the voice and accent of the narrator.
Can´t wait for Episode 2!


It was good, but the guy before me is right , you need more content. It was more like a trailer than a movie. Besides that, it was good. Next time try to make it longer with more action.

Hmm...no offense

I dont really think this should be a daily number one feature. Its basically just a trailer, and if it took you a year just to do this, wait til you try animating a whole movie rather than just a few guys hanging and a guy on a chopping block.
It looks like it could be a good series, but this shouldnt be a chapter, it should be the intro to chapter 1 or something, its basically just a backstory.
The artwork was good and I thought the narration was fine.
Looking forward to seeing what you do with this.
Good luck.

TheZebu responds:

This was originally going to be much longer, and actually dive into the main plot. However, the file size put a stamp on that, as you can see. I'd rather have it split up a bit than sacrifice quality.


Nice voice actor and all.. The plot looks promising.. but hey.. who are ya kidding? Your plot its based on the game Hellgates: London.
Hellgates: London.
Hellgates: London.
Hellgates: London.
Hellgates: London.

Yes thats right everyone. If you don't believe it go check it up.
One advise: You better not have the same monsters and weapons or characteres from the game otherwise... it is possible for your work to be removed if the creators of the game doesn't like ur flash.

TheZebu responds:

*looks up

I'll be damned. Well, the plot really isn't too similar (especially since I've barely said anything about it), but the only real similarity is the "templar in modern day" schtick. The game hasn't even come out yet for crying out loud. I really don't feel like giving a full synopsis of Saint, but I'll just say wait until the series gets into full swing. They may deal with the similar subject matter, but my series is VERY different.