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Reviews for "Astronaut Cop"


That was classy, oh so very classy. Love it. Great sense of style and a great sense of humour. I tip my hat to thee.


God that friggin' hilarious!! Keep up the good work!!


although, do rerate the thing so that it has mild adult content.

but anyway, hand drawn is just what this site needs.

That was hilarious man!!! good job!

good job dude... Ü i liked it... the ending was a lil weird though... I didnt understand it much... Ü but it was cool!

Now we're talking... back to black&white greatness

ASTRONAUT COP. Buuuutttt chhhhhhhhhiieeeeeeef.

BTW, the "my soccer balls stink" scene... greatness. Even moreso because the first time I saw this flash on your site, I'd gotten distracted by another window, and wasn't actually able to see the balls during that dialogue. So... my imagination ran wild partway through it.

"Hi, scene..." "Hi, Sean..."

"YOU'RE GOIN' DOWN, MCDILLON".... "We found cheeto crumbs all inside her pussy".... "We didn't eat 'em!" "Nawww, we didn't eat 'em."

That sequence + the X-ray-reading scene that follows... are two great moments in MarcM-ery. BTW, your fire hydrant looks like a smiling boob-eyed creature. I realise that's a bit random, but it's so true.

As for the whole Celsius temperature scale conversion thingie, and hotter versus colder... people. This cop's an idiot. Why are you correcting Marc M on something he very well could have MEANT to be wrong in the movie, eh? Pfft. #;-}>

Anyway, I like this kind of deal. Not as completely insane and awesome as Sprankton or Red Diamond Dragon Club or various other favourites of mine, but a damned good series of scenes with more care placed in the characters and dialogue than the visuals. THAT'S that way it should be when it comes to Marc M humour.

For god's sake, though, man, please make a sequel to Red Diamond Dragon Club. That's... so essential. So... much so.