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Reviews for "Don't let it happen..."

Meh, nothing new

transylvanian75, I've seen those exact words in a number of your reviews. You probably just copied and pasted. That shows what a mindless goon you are. Just a thought.

The movie, uh, well we've all seen the reviews by people saying they're tired of.. nah, never mind.

Why I hate 9/11 tributes

America has brought 9/11 upon itself and is in my opinion deservant of what they got due to past actions.
America has killed over 4 million people in the past 20 years, and bio weapons they have dropped still are.
But is there a tribute for them?
So the deathtoll so far.
America -5000
Pakistan, Iraq, Bolivia, Vietnam, Russia, Bosnia, Sudan- 4,000,000

this is for u!!! we have voice too!!

esto es para la gente que no sabe que existen otros paises... me averguezo de que uds se llamen americanos uds no son el continente americano son solo una parte. felicito a los kamikazes por su accion defender sus ideales con su vida no es algo de lo que uds puedan hablar su tarea de entrenamiento militar cionsiste en volver a personas en sadicos enfermos mentales asesinos en potencia aca los argentinos sabemos de que se trata porque uds apoyaron el genocidio en nuestro pais en el que murio y desaparecio gente que defendia los derechos humanos. no son un modelo a seguir quieren difundir el miedo creyendo que eso les va a dar poder y respeto y el unico miedo que difunden es el de no querer ser como uds. su presidente es un asesino y es patetico saber del fraude electoral y que no se muevan para derrocar a alguien asi. se creen modelos y no son capaces ni de defender el mas basico de los derechos civicos y mas aterroriza saber que alguien lo voto!!! con respecto a las victimas del 11/9 lo unico que tengo para decir es que me parece decadente rendir homenaje a alguien que lo unico que hizo es estar el momento justo en el lugar equivocado. para terminar quiero decir que los pueblos americanos tenemos voces y no tenemos que soportar que asesinos nos manejen.

UM . . .

I'm sorry but this knee jerk reaction to 9/11 is as stupid as as the anti-war movement itself. No, violence against Arabs was seen in the US, outside of a few idiots and we as Americans held them accountable to the law. By comparison, FDR rounded up Japanese Americans simply for their ancestry. GW did no such thing, and has gone out of his way to let the public know he does not hold Muslims accountable for the acts of terrorists.

However, the idea that going to war over an act of war as "revenge," is no more revenge than going to war over Pearl Harbor. How many times has Japan attacked us since then? There are justfiable causes for war, and to ignore them is just as evil as terrorism itself.

George Orwell had it right:

"Pacifism is objectively pro-fascist. This is elementary common sense. If you hamper the war effort of one side, you automatically help out that of the other. Nor is there any real way of remaining outside such a war as the present one. In practice, 'he that is not with me is against me.'""

"Since pacifists have more freedom of action in countries where traces of democracy survive, pacifism can act more effectively against democracy than for it. Objectively the pacifist is pro-Nazi."

Put the present enemy in, and the quotes are just as relevant today as they were in Orwell's time. The pacifist is pro-terrorist.

whats wrong with u???

u think that we are wrong wtf!! i mean they came over and killed innocent people, u are seriously messed up man. they killed moms, children, parents of all kinds and took family members from people all over the world. real nice!!