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Reviews for "Don't let it happen..."

My Opinion on all of this

I can't believe these people! Throwing out random numbers, "Oh the United States has killed 50000000 innocents they should die as much as the terrorists." Hmmm lets think about that. No. Take a look at other countries: the Holocaust... How many innocent Jewish Civilians died in that war? Far more than the United States has ever killed in any conflict. Then in Russia, the purge trials and Stalin's reign of terror millions of people died in both of these situations and some people think the United States is bad? I agree America has done many wrongs (Racism against Native Americans, Japanese Internment Camps, and other various horrific acts) and maybe deserves this attack against its property, but killing people is just wrong. I read these reviews about people commending the cowardly (oh yes and they were cowardly, people who attack without warning and against civilian targets are afraid of something, and giving your live for a cause is not exactly bravery either many military soldiers gave and will probably give their lives for a cause, they just believe that they will go to Allah or heaven you want bravery: the people on the plane that crashed in Philadelphia or the firefighters that lost their lives when the WTC toppled) attacks and saying America deserves this horrible tragedy, I say bullshit. Any loss of life anywhere is a horrible thing! And America is one of the most peaceful nations on the Planet. Our country has sent millions upon millions of dollars to help the needy; on a whole our people are kind and good hearted. We have gone to war, but in almost every case it is to help or protect another country and the ideal of freedom. Dropping the a-bomb on Japan maybe wasn't the best choice, but would Germany and Japan used them against us in WWII? Probably. America is a strong, and peaceful nation until attacked and then it will rage. If the terrorists don’t like our retaliatory response, screw them they brought it upon themselves. 5,000 people or more died in these attacks, that is like a year of the United States Military casualties (spelling? I suck at spelling) in one day. Furthermore, in most wars involving the United States less than 5,000 innocents lost their lives. This attack shows the dark side of human nature that people should rightly hate, it isn't unnatural for humans to feel hate when attacked. All the nations should ban together to fight terrorism and make sure that this sort of incident never happens again and I for one would like to thank all the people around the world that pledged to help this fight against terrorism. Human beings should also remember that only select groups of corrupted humans planned these attacks not whole races if Bin Ladin did do it then don’t attack Arabians or Afghans who are totally and completely unconnected with these bombings. I also wish to express all my grievances towards people affected by this attack and to thank all those involved in the rescue efforts! God Bless America! And God Bless the whole World!
P.s. these following people should not be considered as true human beings (in my opinion of course)
an gelspit
p. p.s.
There are also many NG users that don’t get their facts straight and say ill comments towards movies that most of them couldn't even think about making... the fact that these people got this many movies out in such a short time shows how they feel and how hard they worked. I am not a flash producer but I know the time and effort it takes to just make a simple flash slideshow. I also want to stress that if you feel the urge to denounce my opinions remember they are opinions... even the people that type in all caps and swear every other word are just stressing their opinions, but the people I listed above need serious help. Lol I wonder if anyone read to the bottom of this. email-fatmodger@hotmail


Hey, good job on the movie...thats not what i cared for though... your words were good. too many ppl are turning this into a culture war... and its not. justice must be taken on those who did harm, not those who avoid it. they are innocent civilians like us...and shouldnt have to die in our rage... your words are good, that alone gives you beyond a ten


Everytime I watch this, it makes me cry.

half of the reviewers didnt get the message...

this isnt racist dumbasses.. you just didnt get the message from it. its saying that we SHOULDNT be doing that, not that we should.. someone else who reviewed this said it sucked.. well its not supposed to be entertainment, its just saying a message, which really did touch me :'(

You are right

You can't be more right! It's like Pearl Harbour!
You kill American soldiers, we kill a 100.000 of your civilians.
Don't be angry at the Arabs, they have suffered enough.

Tamoeg America is known for it's violence!
If God (and were so good) existed, America would never have been founded... Tamoeg I hate stupid people like you, "Down with all the Arabs" well to remind you the Arabs didn't attack. TERRORISTS DID! You are a common American, you only see your side of the story! Sure Sep 11 was terrible, I still remember the news on that day.
It looked like a movie, but that is only a dot in the carpet, compared to what the Americans have done. Never have I seen so cruel and absurd a nation as America!