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Reviews for "The StarCraft Reporter"

Extermely Funny

Good work. I loved the opening, it felt like a real movie. Lots of funny Star Craft jokes. You got the pesonalities of all the units down perfectly. I would love to see more. I wanna play starcraft now...


As a player of Starcraft (Albeit, not very good one, i've only ever won one proper map and that was a FFA where no-one attacked me because they all knew i was crap and i then wasted the leftovers) i really liked all the injokes this has in it. Like the referance to World of Warcraft and the Stim Pack addiction.
I was disappointed Starcraft: Ghost wasn't mentioned at all but hey, can't have everything.

Oh yeah, your portrayal of the Zerg ruled.


there were a few humorous bits (stereotype stereotype stereotype), but for the most part was decidedly unfunny. it was obvious the entire story was written around 3-4 jokes, and the rest was just filler material.


For a long time I had good laughs. Thank you. Keep up the good work.
(Loved the anti-violence Zergs)

I love...

...you man! This was awsome! I´m quite weak for SC parodies, especially ig they include SCV´s and marines. Awwww, this was just awsome!
Really good timing, great jokes (loved the cloaked battle ;) and the graphic was fairly decent!
I really hope somone from Blizzard sees this!!!