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Reviews for "My Goats Like To Travel 2"

Dick Cheney, oh man what a character.

I like how Cheney's clipped face moves properly (does that sound right?) and the (very cliched) Dragon Ball Z style you used, but the sound was kinda annoying. I gave you a 2 on interactivity because, well you have a play button and that is more than enough, right?


That was the most awsome- republican bashing flash EVER!!! Super goat vs robo-cheney!!! Who will win??? Well, goat OBVIOUSLY... XD great job dude!!!


well it eventually does, good FLASH.

Graphics:The graphics passed with an adequit score, I woul have liked if the goats had legs. And i also wasnt to fond of the way they talked I think actual words would do the flash better than picture in the asian chicks speech buble.

Style:Nothing special here, There wasnt any style that stood away from other flashes. I also didnt like the demacrat republican jokes, Although i dont really like dick chaney either and im a republican. If you made the monster goerge bush i must admit i would probebly not given you such a high score.

Sound:You played the same song two or three times. Or atleast ones that sounded very simaler.But besides that the music went good with the flash. i`ll score you high here.

Violence: The violence here was great. The ony thing i can complain on isnt even a complaint. Its just that why did dick throw the white gots foot at him, and then have him put it back on? WTF! that was stupid, But it wont lower your score

Humor:I wasnt pleased with the demacrat republiacan joke until the fight started, Then even i started to lagh at it. The flower thing was hilarious.

Length:WAYYY to long, but wont hurt your score, I would normally tell you to try and shorten it,but this rocked hard the way it is.

Overall: A wonderful and teribly long movie,Yet a few demacrat/republiacan jokes that will either be funny or plain mean depending on who you are.

Final Remarks:I liked this, no big problems or major anoyensess, only little ons that no one gives a crap about. And if anyone really votes low becouse they were ofended by the Demacrat/repulican jokes Just remember two things 1#Have they done flash? 2#The review should be on the movie, not how it mae them feel.

Your Grade: A+ this was ausome dude really ausome.


that was asome. the animation was great, the humor was where it was supposed to be, and the fighting was fluid. great job looking forward for more

That was really good.

the graphics were simple, yet pleasing, as was the story. I also loved the DBZ fighting segment. definate front page.