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Reviews for "Cowardly Terrorism"

I hope those bastards rot in hell forever!

that was a incredible animation even though it was short but i watch it thru school all day and saw both towers collapse.it was a horrid act of terroism and i can only hope that they will find a way to kill those assholes that set this all up




Im in Canada but this has got to be the worst thing well one of the most horrible things ever.But the answer everybody wants yo know is who did it?It could have been Iraq,Iran,Pallistans...
All of the casulaties all the pain and suffering for what???Nothing and these people who commited the suicide will definetly go to hell for they have attacked and destroyed the World Trade Center with thousands upon thousands dead...We will avenge...Those people are gone but not forgotten...

The world weeps...

September 11th, 2001...
The United States and the world changes forever.

Retribution is coming...
You can't dig deep enough, Osama bin Laden.

God bless us all and God bless the
United States of America.


Very good job of captureing what it must have been like to relize what was going to happen...