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Reviews for "Feioras Story Part 2"

that was ok i guess

It was good dont get me wrong but is think that you should make it a litle longer providing somemoree story to really get people involved. also the animation was good but next time try to be a bit more consistant. other than that keep up the good work.

merit44 responds:

I totally agree with you although don't think this wasn't effortless on my part because if everyone feels that way then they would be turning out way better Sugar Honey Ice Tea than myself ^^I do feel however it could be a lot better and I will aim for that for the both of us dude!

good job, quite impressive. really.

*cough cough* yes the animation is quite good, but let's have a look at facts:
Graphics, 6: well done, even dough they weren't exactly the kind i really liked that much, it still pretty well covered the whole thing with it's amaizing details.
Style, 10: good call on the style! THIS is like animations should be made. unlike some original strawberry clock b shit and stuff, less effort - more effor +
Sound, 7: it wasn't half bad, but there was something in it that just...ennoyed me. a lot. i don't remember which part dough.
Violence, 5: i could'nt decide. - there wasn't too much of it, neither was there too little of it. but at least some was to be expected...
Interactivity, 7: technical side was a little crappy, but hey...we all screw up sometime.
Humor, 2: are you kidding me? there was none. but due category blah blah blah, and weird laughter, i put 2. 'nuff said.
Overall, 7: good job!! work like this rare on the flash portal these days. come to think of it, good artists and people who make this stuff are quite rare too...but can't say it was bad though. hey, i may not be be a flash animator myself, (maybe at least not yet, due to missing flash and drawing skills...)but still i just give out reviews. good luck! i'll be expecting more from you, as im keeping my eye on you. (seeing as you'll be one of my favourite authors)

merit44 responds:

Wow! I am pleased that you even think this is remotely good ^^ To be honest I was expecting the worst comming from newgrounds but some of you really do make me want to keep producing *QUALITY* works here. I will take notes on your critisizm and make sure the third one refelects it ^^


okay, first of all, you need to learn how to accept criticism, either a little harsh or constructive.
on the flash, welll...it seemed like you kept changing the drawing style. One second, it would be a simple "Paint" sort of drawing...then suddenly they are running on uberly cool 3-D looking legs. The story-line leaves something to be desired...like a more detailed explanation...I have no idea what was going on. Okay...someone died...then three days ago two people were running up to a building where their husband/father was? I'm hoping the continuation explains the rest...

merit44 responds:

LoL! Dude I happen to be a graphic artist working for an agency on 23st in manhattan so I am quite capable of acdepting critiszm. My big thing is don't just say this freakin sucks without giving me some way to measure how to make it better. You would be pretty fusterated if you worked on something all day then some one just says "I hope you didn't draw that piece od Sugar Honey Ice Tea" cause what comes out of my @$$ looks better than that! Also if you hate a freakin idea do you really think I want to know that? I don't expect everyone to like what I do but damn don't just come straight out and make bias @$$ statments then expect me to just bite my tounge. I don't even take that Sugar Honey Ice Tea from my art director and She is a Boring Insubordanate Tense Hoe. I appreciate all the feed back I recieve positive or negitive just don't say stupud ignorant @$$ statements without any real substance or explanation to back it up is all I ask.Thankyou very much btw for shareing the positive and the negitives. I can actually grown from this review ^^

Not bad

Like the person previously reviewed, some areas/parts have excellent graphics and others...just fall waay short. but i noticed the consistency of smoothness for the most part, except for the loop of when the mother and child are walking. One thing that realy brought down my review was the voice acting....really doesn't work...

merit44 responds:

Thankyou very much for you input. As far as the voice acting what would you suggest I do. I'm not saying it to be funny but do you know how hard it is to find reliable people that are willing to stay with a long term project? That is why I ask you or any one else out there reading this. I think I may start a forum on my deviant art site just for this. You can send me an e-mail at my general account ariencjdix44@yahoo.com if you have any suggestions on this.

I'm intrigued...

This looks good to me.

graphics: not bad at all. well drawn characters...

style: wish it was longer... But that's not part of it. I'm goign to have to see more to say weither or not I like the style... But I feel if you keep it up like this, I will.

sound: sound effects seemed a little too loud to me. But my speakers could be up louder than normal. Otherwise, it's fine

Vilolence: dead person

interactivity: It's a fucking movie... I'm not interacting with a god damned movie. :D

humor: too serious to have humor...

overall: As long as you continue this, I won't be upset at you. Good luck on this project... it'll be difficult.