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Reviews for "Resident Pico"

Cool! I have a suggestion though...

One thing I've noticed was that I got all hyped up into playing the game in an instant... like... wham! Simple as it may be, its ability to immediately deliver the gore factor I was looking for produced the game's longevity factor. In other words I think it keeps people into the game for as long as it lasts.

Butchering (or getting butchered by) the zombies by bulk was a great idea, and it was rather stimulating. I think it was a major factor and perhaps the very life of the game.

Thus... I suggest adding a panic button. Something which could be used like once or twice when all those zombies manage to completely surround you. Like maybe perhaps the character uses a grenade... imagine the gore factor of that! Or he uses a chainsaw or some sorta blade weapon to hack everything beside him. Imagine the adrenaline rush! All that with a push of a panic button, perhaps with a right-click or the space bar.

Just a suggestion =) Great game!


Yeah.....a bit short..., but, for the time it lasts, it's pretty interesting, besides the game got me hookeduntil I beat the boss(Meaning 4 plays).
Graphics: Did Mindchamber REALLY desig the small zombies? I mean, the boss has Mindchambers style, but the little zombies are a bit....too cute, usually his style is grittier...darker....(Here goeas a real period) The animation was very fluid, I loved the breakdancing AND the little zombies deaths,or Pico's, they were really smooth.
Sound: The tune was rightly selected, and the sounds fit nicely.

Overall: Somewhat short, but fun nontheless.

Great work Tom

hey Tom that was one of the best pico games ever made very fun to play I really enjoyed it keep it up.

Happy Pico Day :)

It's great to see some official content for the day, I thought it was going to be only the community participating.

Interesting engine, using only the mouse. As mentioned in previous reviews, this can be a bad and good thing, but to be honest, I would have
preferred a Keyboard-Mouse system, walking and turning with the keyboard and using the mouse to shoot. The mouse-only system works for a while, but soon becomes irritating and difficult to control.

Is this the Pico 2 engine at an early stage? I know it'll be a while before that happens, but...It certainly looked impressive (Great art) and felt 'next-gen' so to speak.

Given the time contraints, I think this is a good little game, but way too easy (I didn't die once....) but perhaps a glimpse of the future.



good job man im inpresed! Theres nothin better to do on a friday nite than blow the *&^% out of zombies =) GREAT WORK MAKE SOME MORE!!!!!