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Reviews for "PrTr: 04 Drunken Pirates"


This is so you, haha. Lots and lots of loud hits and syncopated low brass, but that fits the sound perfectly. There is no real melody (progressive at least) to follow, which I'm OK with, because this is clearly an action cue. The intensity does not let up, that's for sure. Are you sure you're not Hans Zimmer?

The strings at 1:44 are well done, and the call-return style around the 3:00 mark is a nice addition although short lived. At five minutes this is quite a lengthy piece you have written, but somehow the drama is consistent (no doubt due to your skill and careful selection of the catchy motifs that are littered around). On second thought, some of these motifs are NOT catchy, but rather a utility for tension where it seems you have the percussion as the foremost driver of the action. Please excuse me while I pull my socks back up.

I can tell you had fun with this one. Once you have established a flowing beat everything else pretty much follows suit, like around 2:30 where you have a melody line ride over the insanity. Well done, fits the theme, but I am waiting for something a little more creative from you. Nice job on the mastering -- my only complaint is, and it may be because I'm listening at work on less-than-decent headphones, that the instruments themselves are centered too much in the stereo mix...because in a real orchestra of this size you don't have violins and trombones sitting (or standing) together...like at around :36 when the little diddy (the motif I hear throughout the piece) comes in (and is then quickly discarded as it evolves into sixteenth figures for the brass.). It's like, I'M DRUNK....oh wait, I'M FIGHTING!...but...I'm trashed!....but...cannon fire!

Good work Peter! More to come, I hope.

EvilRaccoon responds:

Yeah, it really annoyed me there is no real melody, which was wierd, but I had the intent to. lol

Thanks so much DS. You're always showing me new ways to improve. I really need to sit down and spend weeks on a single track, tweaking it to really get the right feel and creative flair. I just seem to still get into a repetitive pattern with a track of keeping in time, when really, that wouldnt happen.

Great link. :D

Time Flies like an Arrow...

Fruit Flies like a mango :3
Just right, and delicious, and... EPICLY SEA WORTHY!

If Fruit Flies = The Audio Portal,
Then EpiclySeaWorthy Mango = This track,

Enough said? I think so. :D

EvilRaccoon responds:

Thanks Artine! great title 'Time flies like an arrow!' ;)

Thanks for the score. :)

oh mai god

God damn it.

Absolutely stunning combination of orchetral instruments to create an epical film track which just blew me away, couldn't keep my ears away until the track ended. Seriously epic.

Although a bit repetitive through the track maybe a bit. This may be caused by little alteration of progressive melodies such as the cello spiccato?

Good track overall though. Keep going.

EvilRaccoon responds:

Yeah, because there is no main theme, it's still all over the place. But thanks though, i really appreciate the crits. :)

Nothing short of spectacular.

Like others stated, there doesn't appear to be any sort of solid melody through out, but that's fine, since it works for this particular piece. Interesting through out and incredibly hard hitting no doubt thanks to the impressive drumming.

The Hans Zimmer influence here is clearly obvious and, believe me, that's nothing but a huge compliment! What impresses me most perhaps is the sheer amount of stuff you've got going on at any given time in the mix. I'd be REALLY curious to see the project file for this particular piece, I bet the midi is a real mess ;).

This track kicked my ass all over the place, you've done an outstanding job.


EvilRaccoon responds:

The project file is a mess. lol Oh yeah. I do break it up though as much as possible, but even trying to keep things orderly with a crazy number of midi outs can be really hard to keep track of.

But thanks so much, a massive compliment and drive youve given me by saying my stuff resembles zimmers. I think people know by now he's my fav. ^_^

Thanks for your excellent review and score. I really appreciate it!

Take a DNA test...

and you'll see that it matches Zimmers. Epicness all over the place!

You are truly one of my favorite artists here on newgrounds, everything you submit is so... alive. When a piece like this starts playing with your imagination, and you actually experience a movie like scene in your head, you know you've got something going on.

If I were to critisize something, it would have to be that the ending gets a bit loud :D But hey, I'm no one.

Awesome work Peter!